

The company "Fire Center", working since 2011, is mainly engaged in ensuring fire safety at various facilities.

History of cooperation:

On the basis of Fire Center, practical training of students  only began in 2019, however, the number of students in the direction of “Ecology and Nature Management” who completed their internship there this year is  quite large (13 people).


Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Karadag Scientific Station named after T.I. Vyazemsky” is a natural reserve of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It was founded on September 7, 2015 and has been operating since January 1, 2016. The organization is engaged in the protection of soils from erosion and pollution, the conservation of natural biodiversity, environmental education, etc.

History of cooperation:

Karadag Scientific Station and RUDN University have been successfully cooperating for a long time. These organizations are connected not only by organizing jointly annual internship of RUDN students. Many young specialists who graduated from the Ecological Faculty of RUDN University with a degree in Ecology and Nature Management (for example, Drygval P.V. and Drygval A.V., who graduated in 2017), are successfully working in the laboratories and other departments of the scientific station.


The Ministry of Ecology, Nature Management and Forestry of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is a state unit that carries out activities related mainly to ensuring sustainable nature management.

History of cooperation:

In addition to conducting internship for RUDN students, the organizations conduct other joint activities. On June 1, 2019, the Ecology and Volunteer Movement in Russia forum was held at the Yakutsk Community Center. The main speakers were Dmitry Aleksandrovich Egorchenkov, Director of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Forecasts of RUDN University, Nikita Sergeyevich Danyuk, Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Forecasts of RUDN University.


The Institute deals with various problems of psychology, including cosmopsychology, psychology of cognitive processes and mathematical psychology, etc.

History of cooperation:

On the basis of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, not only students of psychological specialties get their practical training there. Students in the direction "Ecology and Nature Management" are also sent to this organization, including for a permanent job.


Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Oceanology named after P.P. Shirshova of the Russian Academy of Sciences is the oldest and largest Russian research institution dealing with oceanology in the Russian Federation. The subject of the Institute is the implementation of basic scientific research and the introduction of applied developments in the field of oceanology, the implementation of practical surveying and marine works related to the development of the oceans.

History of cooperation:

Within the framework of cooperation between the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and RUDN University, students write scientific papers and attend lectures. Scientists from the Institute of Oceanology act as opponents in the defense of Ph.D. dissertations of graduate students (defending JAPO SECA MARK ARMEL in the direction of "Ecology" in 2017). Many RUDN students are interested in internship at this institute.


Federal state budgetary scientific institution Center of Forest Ecology and Productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences is a research non-profit institution. The Center conducts fundamental, exploratory and applied research in the following areas: assessment of the ecosystem functions of Russian forests and their resource and environmental potential; research on the biological diversity, productivity and sustainability of forest ecosystems; forest monitoring using aerospace methods and geoinformation technologies; mathematical modeling of the dynamics of forest ecosystems.

History of cooperation:

The Center is a current base of practical training of RUDN students of environmental. The organizations jointly participate in conferences on environmental issues of forestry.


The organization is engaged in fundamental and applied research in the field of human ecology and environmental hygiene aimed at maintaining and strengthening human health.

History of cooperation:

On January 20, 2016, RUDN University signed an agreement with MGMSU on joining the dental scientific and educational medical cluster of the Health Ministry of the Russian Federation. The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia was the first among the universities of the Ministry of Education and Science to be included in the cluster of institutions of the Health Ministry of the Russian Federation. In addition, the Health Ministry cooperates with RUDN University in organizing student practical training. These are not only medical students, but also students of other specialties (for example, "Ecology and Nature Management").


Today, the company is engaged into a special assessment of working conditions, production control, audit of the OSH management system, and autosorting of the OSH service. The company sees its mission in the dissemination and implementation of an optimal approach to ensuring labor safety.

History of cooperation:

On November 16, 2019, at the Department of Forensic Ecology with a course in human ecology of the Faculty of Ecology at  RUDN University, there was held a meeting  of graduate students in the field of "Ecology and Nature Management", "Energy and Resource-Saving Processes in Chemical Technology, Petrochemistry and Biotechnology" with a representative of the All-Russian Research Institute of Ecology - the main specialist in organizing the activities   Angelica Burma. Students made reports on their scientific work. The beginning of this work was laid during the students' summer internship together with OOO Ecozhilstroy in Krasnogorsk City Hospital No. 1.


SUEK was based on the idea of consolidating disparate coal enterprises throughout Russia and creating a large industrial holding. Now SUEK unites 15 mines and 12 opencast mines in Siberia and the Far East producing about 27% of coal in Russia.

History of cooperation:

SUEK JSC and RUDN University cooperate mainly in the field of conducting internship for environmental and other faculties. Many students after completing their internship seek to find a job in this company.


Natural architectural and archaeological museum-reserve "Divnogorye" is an open-air museum, created in 1991. In 2013, the lands of the museum-reserve got the status of an object of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation of regional significance – an attraction site of Natural and cultural complex “Divnogorye”.

History of cooperation:

Museum-Reserve "Divnogorye" is popular with   students of environmental specialties as a place for internship, because, like other environmental complexes, it matches the direction of their training.