T-Service LLC is the only authorized reseller of SDL Trados solutions in Russia, as well as in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia.
Leading specialists of the company have the most significant experience in Russia in sales, support, training and implementation of CAT-solutions. Since 2000, technological support has been provided to companies, helping to realize the benefits of Translation Memory technology in translation processes, which includes the development of instructions, training videos, brochures, Russian-language manuals on working with SDL Trados, localization of SDLTrados solutions.
Organization of practices in science and education.
The Institute of Foreign languages of The People’s Friendship University of Russia is a respected partner of T-Service LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Company) on the principles of mutually beneficial partnership since 2019. In order to develop the educational environment, our Company, together with The Institute of Foreign languages of The People’s Friendship University of Russia, implements a whole range of directions in the field of education in terms of providing students' practices and competencies, namely:
- ensuring representation of Russian experts-employers in assessing the quality of education (competencies) for linguistic areas of training (within the framework of international rating systems);
- providing a high information technology level of modern base for conducting student practices and research for linguistic specialties, providing practices and internships for students;
- career orientation, versatile assistance in employment of graduates, organization of career guidance activities during the period of student practices.
This interaction has a positive impact on the development of internal reserves of the Company (development of the potential of the personnel and recruitment service, increasing the level of scientific and educational activities, planning the development of new areas of activity, development and updating of qualification requirements and competencies).
The plans and prospects for cooperation include maintaining a close partnership on the formation of practice-oriented training programs for specialists, preparing contracts for conducting student practices, and continuing joint career guidance activities with the faculty of The Institute of Foreign languages of The People’s Friendship University of Russia.