The Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences the Institute of Socio-Political Research RAS

The research institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Field internships.
The cooperation between the ISPR RAS and the IER Department of RUDN’s Faculty of Economics has had a long and productive history. In particular, the following ISPR members have part-time positions at the IER Department: Professor Sergey Ryazantsev, Doctor of Economics, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, and Associate Professor Roman Manshin, Candidate of Economic Sciences.
The staff members of the department and institute regularly participate in joint academic events (conferences, workshops, open lectures), actively contribute to the research activities (by writing academic papers, monographs and preparing research projects for Russian research foundations). The active involvement of ISPR RAS in the teaching/learning process at the department is further confirmed by the provision of the base for internships and pre-graduation research practices for the third- and fourth-year bachelor students. The efficiency of cooperation between ISPR RAS and the IER Department is proved by the job placement of Z.K.Vazirov, a PhD student, at the ISPR RAS. Presently, Z.K.Vazirov is a junior researcher and assistant to ISPR RAS’s director.
The internships/pre-graduation research practices of IER students on the ISPR RAS platform remain a prospective area of cooperation allowing to promote scientific and research contacts between our organizations, facilitate the engagement of students in the scientific process, thus helping the students acquire and solidify the necessary skills, knowledge and competences.