The Russian Center for Plant Quarantine (FSBI VNIIKR)

Russian Center for Plant Quarantine occupies a special place in the system of institutions of the Rosselkhoznadzor. This is the central Russian plant quarantine laboratory, managing a powerful network of regional branches and laboratories, and a scientific center of international importance. FSBI "VNIIKR" carries out intensive work on the study of pests that are dangerous for agriculture, and therefore for the Russian economy.
January 2016, an agreement on joint training of masters and postgraduate students with a specialization in Plant Protection with subsequent employment in the Rosselkhoznadzor system.
Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Plant Quarantine Center» ("VNIIKR") in the system of Rosselkhoznadzor institutions is the central Russian plant quarantine laboratory, managing a network of regional branches and laboratories, and a scientific center of international importance. In practical terms, the scientific potential of FGBU «VNIIKR» is realized in daily work in all structures of the Rosselkhoznadzor. Therefore, the work of plant quarantine specialists, it is every year possible to prevent the importation a lof of quarantine pests into the Russian Federation. For many years, bachelors, masters and post-graduate students from the Agrobiotechnological Department of ATI RUDN University have been admitted to the VNIIKR. Students who have established themselves as executive, promising and independent specialists are invited to work. A number of specialists of the institution - RUDN graduates are part of the expert groups of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization, which the institution can be proud of. Our Center helps young specialists realize their scientific potential and professionalism in the agricultural system.