Union of Volunteers of Russia

The Union of Volunteers of Russia is an association of indifferent people and public organizations from 77 regions of Russia. Our task is to unite volunteers of the country into common projects.
Cooperation since 2016.
In March 2019, Master Class "Peculiarities of assisting behavior in modern society: experience of the Union of Volunteers" was held. The Department of Psychology and Pedagogy regularly holds methodological seminars with the participation of students and employers on the program "Psychological counselling" (master 's degree).
This is to certify that United Russian Public Organization "Union of Volunteers of Russia" (SBI "Union of Volunteers of Russia" (Moscow, Russia) has been cooperating with the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) since 2016 in the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Faculty of Philology.
In my opinion, the master's program in the direction 37.04.01 "Psychology", specialization "Psychological counseling", has significant prospects for the implementation of classical academic education, both in the format of practical orientation of the educational process, and in the field of international cooperation and academic mobility. The demand for this direction is conditioned by the high level of competence of master's students, who can apply their knowledge, skills and abilities in various fields of practical, scientific and commercial activities. Cooperation within the productive internship has shown that abovementioned students are capable of caring out independent psychological consulting within a wide range of psychological consulting directions from psychoanalysis, psychodrama to logotherapy and crisis consulting. The participation of master's students in a number of joint training events with us has demonstrated that the students have a full knowledge of practical competencies relevant to the modern market of psychological services.
Master’s students show a high level of scientific and research activity, as well as an active social and psychological position accompanied by various groups of citizens. This was shown in a number of joint master classes on volunteer activities. I believe that master's degree graduates of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy have wide opportunities for professional self-realization in scientific, international and practical spheres of professional activity. Education in the specialization "Psychological counseling" provides knowledge that allows solving actual practice-oriented issues in the field of social assistance to the population, in psychological, consulting and research companies, education, health care, culture, sports and management. Graduates' professional tasks may include diagnostics, psychological expertise, correction of mental properties, states and processes and human behavior. Graduates acquire knowledge of the features of age stages, crisis
stages in the life of an individual, the influence of belonging to gender, ethnic, professional and other groups. They are trained in the skills of business games, consultations and training.
We are pleased to continue our partnership with RUDN it the future.