

The Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences is one of the largest scientific legal institutions in the country. The Institute maintains an independent academic status and develops fundamental problems of legal science.

History of cooperation:

Agreement on the organization of internships No. 0090-01-15 / 469 dated 04/01/2019. Graduating students and undergraduates of the Law Institute undergo practical training at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


The Moscow Regional Court, within its competence, considers cases as a first instance, in a cassation order, in a supervisory review procedure, due to newly discovered circumstances.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation Agreement No. 0090-01-468 dated 04/01/2019. Organization of student internships in "Law".


The Russian Red Cross (RKK) is a public charitable organization that is a member of the international Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation Agreement No. 0090-01-15 / 337-1 dated March 29, 2017. Collaboration in the organization of student internships. Every year, students of the master's programs “International Protection of Human Rights” and “International Protection of Human Rights” undergo practical training at the Russian Red Cross.


The Moscow Interregional Investigation Directorate for Transport was established by order of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation since 01.15.2011.
The service area of the Investigation Department extends to almost 15,000 km of the railway (sections of the Moscow Railway, the Moscow branch of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, the Southeast Railway), where 90 stations, 1,092 stations and 3,214 landing platforms are deployed. There are 104 freight and 14 sorting stations, 286 loading and unloading and 78 container sites.
In addition, the service area of the investigation department includes 12 airports, including 8 international, 11 river ports, 3 river stations, 2 river shipping companies, 49 marinas and moorings.
Water transport facilities of all forms of ownership are located in the water areas of the rivers: Moscow, Oka, Volga, Don and the Canal named after Moscow.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation Agreement No. 014-OP / 745 dated 08/08/2014. Organization of student internships in "Law".


The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Justice of Russia) is a federal executive body that carries out the development of state policy (state administration) and legal regulation in justice, as well as coordinating the activities of other federal executive bodies in this area.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation Agreement No. 014-OP / 636 dated 08/26/2014. Students annually undergo internships and practicums at the Ministry. Many graduates are employed based on the results of internships.


The Department is responsible for environmental protection, environmental management and environmental safety. Organizes and coordinates the development of city-wide environmental programs, develops regulatory documents to improve the state of the environment. The department also deals with environmental education and public education.

History of cooperation:

Contract No. 014-OP / 647 dated 09/05/2014. Cooperation is being carried out in organizing internships and employment of law students, especially those studying under the master's program "Legal Regulation of Natural Resources, Land and Property Relations and Urban Development".

The Intersputnik International Space Communications Organization was established in accordance with the Intergovernmental Agreement on the establishment of the Intersputnik International System and Space Communications Organization.
At the moment the Organization unites 26 states. A key area of activity is the leasing of telecommunications and broadcasting companies, as well as corporate customers, with satellite capacity under relevant agreements with satellite system operators.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation Agreement No. 014-OP / 150 dated 02.25.2014. Collaboration is being carried out in organizing practices and employing students of a law institute, especially in organizing internships for students studying master's programs in international law. During the internship, students get the opportunity to acquire professional skills in international space and air law.


Non-profit organization Moscow Regional Bar Association of The Galitsinsky branch provides extensive legal services in all matters. In 2019, the College became the winner of the Triumph National Award in advocacy.  

History of cooperation:

Ongoing collaboration in organizing student work experience in “Law” since 2016 on the basis of a cooperation agreement. Employees of the structural divisions of the Bar Association are constantly involved in events held at the RUDN University Law Institute, conduct master classes and give lectures. Many law students receive employment opportunities in the affiliates of the association.


The non-profit partnership “Law Office“ Koblev and Partners“”combines auditing, consulting companies and notaries, allows comprehensive approach to the solution of problems faced by clients in accordance with Russian and international standards. The office cooperates with law firms in the USA, England, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, and provides high-quality legal services to clients operating not only in Russia but also abroad.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation Agreement No. 014-OP / 004 dated 09/20/2015. Employees of the structural divisions of the law office take a permanent part in events held at the RUDN University Law Institute, conduct master classes and give lectures. Based on the results of the internship, many law students receive employment opportunities at the Law Office.


The federal executive body of Russia, which carries out functions for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in higher education and related professional education, as well as scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities and the development of federal centers of science and high technologies, state scientific centers and science cities.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation Agreement No. 014-OP / 266 dated April 30, 2015 with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (before separation into 2 separate ministries). RUDN University Law Institute continues to cooperate in organization of student internships and practicums with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.