

It’s a large industrial enterprise engaged in the manufacturing of high-performance guided missiles and air, land and sea-based complexes, radio-electronic equipment and other products in the fields of aerospace, information technology and renewable energy.

History of cooperation:

The company employees are given training and retraining at the Academy of Engineering. The company provides employment opportunities for students and graduates of the Academy of Engineering.


It’s the main academic Institute for the exploration and use of outer space in the interests of fundamental Sciences. It performs experimental scientific research in the field of  astrophysics, physics of planets and small bodies of the Solar system, physics of the Sun and solar-terrestrial relations, carries out preparation of programs of scientific space researches, development and tests of complexes of the scientific equipment on projects of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the State Space Corporation ROSKOSMOS.

History of cooperation:

Leading experts of the Institute give classes to the students of the Institute of space technologies of the Academy of Engineering. The Institute provides employment opportunities for students and graduates of the Academy of Engineering.



It’s the head research center of Russia in a number of leading areas of applied mathematics. It is focused on solving large-scale applied problems based on the results of fundamental scientific research in the field of mathematics, mechanics, cybernetics, computer science.

History of cooperation:

Leading experts of the Institute give classes to the students of the Institute of space technologies of the Academy of Engineering. The Institute provides employment opportunities for students and graduates of the Academy of Engineering.


It’s the head scientific research center of Russia in the field of fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of space medicine and biology, medical and biological support of manned space flights.

History of cooperation:

Leading experts of the Institute give classes to the students of the Institute of space technologies of the Academy of Engineering. The Institute provides employment opportunities for students and graduates of the Academy of Engineering.


The Moscow Arbitration Court belongs to the first level of the arbitration court system. Considers all cases in the first instance subordinate to arbitration courts in the Russian Federation, with exception of cases falling within the competence of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation; revises judicial acts adopted by it and entered into legal force due to newly discovered circumstances; applies to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with a request to verify the constitutionality of the law applied or to be applied in a case considered by it in any instance; studies and generalizes judicial practice, etc.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation Agreement No. 0090-01-15 / 113 was signed in February 2018. Students annually undergo practical training at the Moscow Arbitration Court. Ongoing cooperation in employment of graduates of the law institute.


Prosecutorial supervision in Moscow, the management of Moscow district prosecutors, supervision of places of detention in the city of Moscow and their employees, supervision of the Moscow police and investigators, legal education of the population of Moscow are the tasks of the city prosecutor's office.

History of cooperation:

Ongoing cooperation in organizing the production (investigative and prosecutorial) practice of students of "Law" since 2016 on the basis of a cooperation agreement. Employees of the structural divisions of the prosecutor's office regularly participate in events held at the Law Institute of RUDN University, conduct master classes, give lectures, and introduce students to the specifics of professional activities in prosecution bodies.


The Office of the Judicial Department in Moscow is a federal state body that provides organizational support for the activities of district, military (garrison) courts in Moscow.

History of cooperation:

Law Institute of RUDN University has been cooperating with the Office of the Judicial Department in Moscow since 2005. Students annually undergo judicial practice in the district courts of Moscow. In May 2016, a new cooperation agreement was signed.


The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation is the federal executive body of Russia, which exercises state control in energy and is under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation.

History of cooperation:

Cooperating with the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation since 2011. An agreement is signed. Students annually undergo internships and practicums at the Ministry. Many graduates are employed based on the results of internships.


The department is engaged in organizational support of the activities of magistrates of Moscow, responsible for personnel, financial, material and information-technical measures, and creates the conditions for the full and independent administration of justice.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation Agreement No. 0090-01-15 / 41 dated 01/26/2018. Every year, students of the Law institute undergo judicial practice at the Office and its structural divisions.


Russian Federal Center for Forensic Expertise under the Ministry of Justice of Russia is a federal budget institution. The aim of the Center is to protect the interests of the state, the rights and freedoms of citizens and legal entities by conducting objective, scientifically-based judicial examinations and expert studies.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation Agreement No. 0090-01-15 / 1 dated January 11, 2016. The RUDN University Law Institute with the Russian Federal Center for Forensic Expertise under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation implement a joint master's program “Forensic expert activity in law enforcement” with the aim of training qualified personnel in forensic expert activity in criminal, civil, administrative legal proceedings. Students undergo annual industrial and undergraduate internships; established close interaction with the staff of the Center.