ZooAkademy (Veterinary clinic)

A large veterinary clinic in Moscow, with modern equipment. Clinic specialists combine practical medical activity and teaching in educational institutions, participate in scientific research, conferences and seminars. A large base of internships and an employer for RUDN graduates in the specialty "Veterinary".
Cooperation since 2007 in the field of internships for students of the specialty Veterinary and their subsequent employment. Every year, graduates of the RUDN University specializing in Veterinary are hired by the clinic. The chief veterinarian of LLC Veterinary Clinic ZooAkademy is DSc, Professor Y.Vatnikov - Director of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, ATI.
Cooperation has been conducted since 2007 in the field of organizing practices for students of the specialty Veterinary Medicine and their subsequent employment. Every year, graduates of the RUDN University specializing in Veterinary Medicine are employed in the clinic, who are always distinguished by a high level of professional training, commitment, interest in professional growth. On the basis of LLC Veterinary Clinic ZooAkademia, medical practice and training, specialization in Clinical Veterinary Medicine, advanced training, seminars, round tables are organized and conducted. Clinic specialists combine practical medical activity and teaching in educational institutions, participate in research, conferences, seminars. At LLC Veterinary Clinic ZooAkademia, graduates of the RUDN University with a degree in Veterinary Medicine will always be able to realize themselves professionally.