
History of cooperation:

The cooperation has been conducted since 2020 in the field of practices and employment through the digital career environment "Facultetus".


The FSBI "Rosselkhoscenter" is a subordinate organization of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. According to the results of 2020, a huge amount of work was carried out by the many thousands of staff of the FSBI "Rosselkhoscenter" namely: an examination of the sowing qualities of 9.8 million tons of agricultural seeds was carried out, varietal crops were tested on an area of 7.1 million hectares, registration on an area of 8.9 million hectares was carried out; the quality of planting material of garden crops and grapes in the amount of 66.1 million was checked. The approbation of uterine plantings and seedlings of garden crops and grapes was carried out on an area of 1,9 thousand hectares; the monitoring of the availability and quality of seeds of spring and winter crops for spring and winter sowing in 2020, respectively 5.4 million tons and 3.9 million tons, was carried out.

In 2020, the System of voluntary certification "Rosselkhoscenter" was issued 55109 – certificate of compliance on the seed material, the 56 – certificates on grain and products of its processing, 80 – in crop production, food industry, 692 – on premises, facilities and storage, 540 certificates farmland and land 3791 – for planting material of fruit, berry and ornamental crops, 257 -  certificates for seed economy.

History of cooperation:

The cooperation has been conducted since 2020 in the field of practices and employment through the digital career environment "Facultetus".


MTS Bank (PJSC “MTS-Bank”) is a universal commercial bank founded in 1993. It operates on the basis of General License No. 2268 issued by the Bank of Russia on 17.12.2014. It is one of the 50 leading banks in Russia in terms of assets. The main shareholders are the Private Limited Liability Company Mobile TeleSystems B.V. - a subsidiary of PJSC “Mobile TeleSystems”.

History of cooperation:

The cooperation has been conducted since 2020 in the field of practices and employment through the digital career environment "Facultetus".


Bain & The Company is one of the world leaders in the field of strategic consulting. The company has been represented on the international market for more than 45 years. Total in Bain & The company employs more than 10,500 talented consultants. Thanks to their accumulated experience and extensive expertise, they successfully implement projects of any level of complexity. The company's clients include more than 5,500 major international corporations from a variety of industries - and their number is constantly growing.

History of cooperation:

The cooperation has been conducted since 2020 in the field of practices and employment through the digital career environment "Facultetus".


ANCOR is an international HR company. The company helps clients find the best employees, provides HR consulting and outsourcing services.

History of cooperation:

The cooperation has been conducted since 2020 in the field of practices and employment through the digital career environment "Facultetus".


“LUKOIL-Volgogradneftepererabotka” LLC is an oil refinery specializing in the production of fuel and oil components. The company is located in the Southern Federal District of Russia (SFD), processes a mixture of low-sulfur West Siberian and Lower Volga oils. Oil is supplied via the Samara-Tikhoretsk oil pipeline. Finished products are shipped by pipeline, rail, river and road transport.

History of cooperation:

The cooperation has been conducted since 2020 in the field of practices and employment through the digital career environment "Facultetus".


ROSTEST was accredited in 1992 and is the largest and most famous certification body for products, services and management systems. ROSTEST certifies the world's most famous brands. The conformity assessment documents issued by ROSTEST and the products accompanied by them consistently enjoy increased confidence of customs and supervisory authorities, consumers. The authority of ROSTEST is confirmed by participation in the work of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

History of cooperation:

The cooperation has been conducted since 2020 in the field of practices and employment through the digital career environment "Facultetus".


Pyatigorsk State University – “UNIVERSITY which opens and transforms the world!” Under this brand Pyatigorsk State University (formerly Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University) is known today in our country and abroad, which sees the path of its development as a creative innovative university. University of Creative Ideas, Creative Professions, Creative Practices and Technologies. Since December 2005, the University has been headed by Alexander Pavlovich Gorbunov. Since 2009, he has also been Chairman of the Public Council of the city of Pyatigorsk, deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory. PSU is a real center of youth and cultural life of the region, generating new creative projects and contributing to the manifestation of talents and the flourishing of students' initiatives. PSU is a university with traditions that have been developing for decades.

History of cooperation:

The cooperation has been conducted since 2020 in the field of practices and employment through the digital career environment "Facultetus".


Indacoin is a Fintech company (TOP-10 of the fastest growing in Europe), with offices in Moscow, England and Estonia. Main areas of work: development of software for secure transactions and payment processing.

History of cooperation:

The cooperation has been conducted since 2020 in the field of practices and employment through the digital career environment "Facultetus".


Ambulance station.

History of cooperation:

The cooperation has been conducted since 2020 in the field of practices and employment through the digital career environment "Facultetus".