

Provision of medical care for adults and children.

History of cooperation:

 The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


The structure of the medical organization includes:

  • 18 inpatient departments (profiles: neurosurgical, vascular surgery, hematological, surgical thoracic, traumatological, surgical, resuscitation, urological, gynecological, cardiological, pulmonological, gastroenterological, infectious, neurological),
  • 11 outpatient departments,
  • 5 laboratories,
  • 4 diagnostic units,
  • support services.
  • Currently, the hospital's bed fund is 776 beds, including:
  • 525 beds of round-the-clock hospital;
  • 23 intensive care beds;
  • 69day hospital beds (DHB);
  • 130 beds of the polyclinic day hospital (PDH);
  • 29 self-financing beds.
History of cooperation:

 The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


To date the medical center "New Medicine" at Lenin Street 44 is able to accept a patient with almost any problem. Patients are offered a variety of types of diagnostics, treatment, physiotherapy, dentistry, preventive and rehabilitation measures.
Our family dentistry has a team of qualified specialists with many years of experience. The clinic actively uses innovative international treatment protocols, as well as the most modern equipment.

History of cooperation:

 The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


At our family dentistry there is a team of qualified specialists with many years of experience. The clinic actively uses innovative international treatment protocols, as well as the most modern equipment.

History of cooperation:

 The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


Other human health activity.

History of cooperation:

The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


At the dental clinic, therapeutic treatment of any complexity is carried out, modern methods of treatment and prosthetics of teeth are used, including artistic restoration of teeth, with the help of materials of the latest generation.

The clinic has its own dental laboratory equipped with modern equipment.

History of cooperation:

 The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


Dental clinic. Areas of activity: consultation, dental treatment, surgery and implantology, orthopedics, pediatric dentistry, aesthetic restoration, bite correction.

History of cooperation:

 The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


Dental clinic "KOSMEDENT.RU" is a medical and diagnostic dental center that uses the latest achievements of modern medicine in its work.

History of cooperation:

 The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


Dental clinic. Areas of activity: consultation, dental treatment, surgery and implantology, orthopedics, pediatric dentistry, aesthetic restoration, bite correction.

History of cooperation:

 The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training.