

The institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Among the scientific directions developed at the Institute are human genetics, population genetics, the study of the structural and functional organization of the genome, the elucidation of the mechanisms of regulation and expression of genes, the establishment of genetic principles of breeding work. Currently, the Institute has 23 research units (15 laboratories, 7 research groups and one group under the directorate).

History of cooperation:

The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


The main areas of scientific activity of FSUE STC RCHBG FMBA of Russia are:

  • development and implementation of a scientifically sound and socially justified methodology for reducing radiation and chemical hazards to the population and the environment.
  • implementation of scientific and methodological support, as well as scientific and technical and chemical-analytical support of work on radiation, chemical safety and hygiene.
History of cooperation:

The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training.  


National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" today is one of the leading scientific centers in the world, an interdisciplinary national laboratory.
A significant part of the country's scientific potential in the field of nuclear physics, energy, materials science, information technology, biology and genetics is united under the auspices of the Kurchatov Institute Research Center.

History of cooperation:

The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


Activities of advertising agencies.

History of cooperation:

 The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


Public service.

History of cooperation:

 The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


Provision of financial services.

History of cooperation:

The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


"Hlebnoe mesto" is a chain of modern bakeries that offers customers at affordable prices fresh bread and pastries made from natural ingredients, prepared exclusively according to traditional old recipes.

History of cooperation:

 The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


A large design and research and production center that carries out work on the design, manufacture, testing and, in general, comprehensive testing of weapons and military equipment of various directions.

History of cooperation:

 The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


Scientific research institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The main goal of the Institute is to carry out fundamental scientific research and applied developments in the field of sociology.

History of cooperation:

 The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


Consultation activities and work in the field of computer technologies.

History of cooperation:

 The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training.