

Consular Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Russian Federation.

History of cooperation:

  The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


Along with the activities in the field of advocacy the Collegium carries out legal education activities, participates in the educational activities of a number of leading law schools, conducts professional and public accreditation for higher education programs in the areas of 40.03.01 – Jurisprudence (bachelor degree), 03.09.00/40.04.01 – Jurisprudence (master degree), 40.06.01 – Jurisprudence (postgraduate), 38.05.01 – Economic security (specialist degree).

History of cooperation:

  The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


The purpose of the IEMCFM (MUMCFM) activities in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 1 , 2016 No. 1072-r, is to ensure the participation of the Russian Federation in the activities of the Group for the Development of Financial Measures to Combat Money Laundering (FATF), regional groups created according to its type, including the Eurasian Group for Countering the Legalization of Criminal Proceeds and the Financing of Terrorism (EAG), the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units, the Council of Heads of Financial Intelligence Units of States - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States and other international organizations involved in countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.

History of cooperation:

  The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


“Gazprom Gaznadzor” LLC carries out works (provides services) aimed at improving the reliability and safe functioning of the unified gas supply system facilities, improving the efficiency of using gas as fuel and raw materials, organizing and implementing industrial environmental control and industrial environmental monitoring in organizations regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

History of cooperation:

  The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


Joint Stock Company Concern Radioelectronic Technologies (KRET) is a part of the State Corporation Rostec. Today KRET unites more than 70 enterprises engaged in the development and production of electronic products.
The Concern enterprises are located throughout Russia from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok and the total number of their employees is more than 50 thousand people.

Currently KRET produces a wide range of products:

  • radio - electronic;
  • aviation;
  • industrial;
  • for medical purposes.
History of cooperation:

  The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


The main objective of JSC "Control Systems" is to meet the needs of the state and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in modern systems, complexes and controls (including control facilities, controls, automation and communications, special systems). The organization activity is aimed at improving the scientific, technical and economic potential of the country's radio-electronic industry in the interests of forming an effective system of state and military administration, taking into account the tasks of developing modern means of intelligence, management and communications, IT technologies.

History of cooperation:

  The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


Provision of legal services.

History of cooperation:

  The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


Veterinary medicine offers its clients a full range of veterinary services. Special attention is paid to high-quality diagnostics - the station is equipped with modern equipment necessary for a full examination of any patient.
The station employs highly qualified doctors, including narrow specialists, doctors and candidates of sciences, whose main principle of operation is an individual approach to each client.

History of cooperation:

  The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


Veterinary clinic.

History of cooperation:

  The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training. 


The training center of “KNAUF GYPSUM NOVOMOSKOVSK” LLC implements programs of vocational training, supplementary education and supplementary vocational education.

History of cooperation:

  The cooperation has been conducted since 2021 in the field of organization of practical training.