

The objectives of the Association of Law Universities (JURVUZ) are:

  • uniting the efforts of law schools in the implementation of the tasks of improving the quality of higher legal education in Russia,
  • formation and implementation of a coordinated educational policy,
  • provision of educational activities with qualified personnel,
  • operative response to the needs of society and the state in highly qualified lawyers,
  • assistance in the provision of educational services to the population,
  • development and implementation of intelligent products and services that provide training and retraining of legal personnel.
History of cooperation:

Association employees take an active part in events held by the Department of the History of Law and the State.


Woodworking enterprise engaged in the production of building structures and carpentry.

History of cooperation:

Assistance in conducting round tables and professional orientation events.


Construction project management, construction control and architectural supervision.

History of cooperation:

Assistance in the organization of the educational process of the master's program "Legal Regulation of Natural Resources, Land and Property Relations and Urban Planning".


Activities to provide and protect the rights and interests of clients in courts, including at the stage of preparation for a trial, representation in court and at the stage of execution of a court decision.

History of cooperation:

Assistance in the organization of the educational process of the master's program "Legal Regulation of Natural Resources, Land and Property Relations and Urban Planning".


Credendo-Ingosstrakh Credit Insurance LLC leads the European group of credit insurers, which is present in all regions of the continent and operates in all segments of trade credit insurance and political risks, offering a wide range of risk coverage services worldwide.

History of cooperation:

The Law Institute actively interacts with Credendo-Ingosstrakh Credit Insurance LLC. Employees regularly hold round tables and lectures for students. Internships are organized for students with the possibility of their further employment.


A special public law institution whose main objectives are to protect and ensure the stability of the ruble; development and strengthening of the banking system; ensuring efficient and uninterrupted functioning of the payment system.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation is conducted with the Office of Legal Support for the Supervision and Regulation of Non-Credit Financial Organizations of the Legal Department. Lectures and master classes are regularly organized by Bank staff for law students, and internships are held with the possibility of further employment.


A Russian-Chinese company engaged in the supply of oil and gas service equipment; oil and gas production services.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation in organization of industrial internships.

The International Committee of the Red Cross is an impartial, neutral and independent organization whose goals and objectives are exclusively humanitarian in nature and are to protect the lives and dignity of people affected by armed conflict and violence and provide them with assistance.

History of cooperation:

Memorandum of Understanding between the Regional Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Russian Federation, Belarus and Moldova and RUDN University on November 1, 2016
Scientific and educational cooperation is ongoing.


It carries out a variety of activities aimed at combating the manifestations of xenophobia, promoting the ideas of tolerance towards refugees and other categories of persons under the Agency's control through public awareness and education activities, including the operation of the “hot line”.

History of cooperation:

The agreement dated December 4, 2015, on the basis of which scientific and educational cooperation is carried out.


Collegium of lawyers provide legal assistance to citizens and organizations. The association specializes in issues of land and other property relations, mandatory payments.

History of cooperation:

Over the years, the Bar Association has been assisting in the development and conduct of master classes, workshops, the development of practical materials used in the educational process and extracurricular activities of the Law Institute.