

Located in Fryazino, Moscow Region. Has experienced doctors and specialists.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation since 2018 in the field of internships for students of the specialty Veterinary Medicine and their subsequent employment.


The mission of  Bitsa sport school, Moscow Sport Committee is training athletes of the highest level, 
Company Values:

  1. Formation of healthy lifestyle.
  2. Interesting and useful workouts.
  3. Sport achievements according to abilities.
  4. Development of physical, intellectual and moral abilities.
  5. Development of the child’s personality as an inherent value and uniqueness
History of cooperation:

Cooperation since 2015 in the field of internships for students of the specialty Veterinary Medicine and their subsequent employment.


Veterinary Center " Otrada " was opened on the basis of " Otrada " equestrian sports complex in 2003. Over the years, more than 1,000 complicated orthopedics, ophthalmology, plastic and dental, operations have been performed. The clinic employs a highly qualified professional team capable of solving problems related to the health of horses.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation since 2005 in the field of internships for students of the specialty Veterinary and their subsequent employment.


Veterinary clinic "White Fang" is a multiprofile veterinary center. The clinic provides a full range of diagnostic and treatment services for small pets, from simple preventive measures such as vaccination, chipping, sterilization, castration, to complex surgical interventions.The clinic operates around the clock and has three branches in Moscow.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation since 2007 in the field of internships for students of the specialty Veterinary and their subsequent employment.


Veterinary clinic Belanta is two modern multiprofile veterinary clinics that provide round-the-clock assistance to animals. The clinic has a veterinary pharmacy and pet shop. There is also a zoo hotel and a zoo.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation since 2016 in the field of internships for students of the specialty Veterinary and their subsequent employment.


The clinic has the latest specialized equipment for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of pets. Doctors of the veterinary clinic "Biocontrol" undergo re-training on the basis of the Scientific Research Center for Oncology named after N.N. Blokhin and in leading Russian medical treatment facilities. 

History of cooperation:

Cooperation since 2007 in the field of internships for students of the specialty Veterinary and their subsequent employment.


Veterinary clinic "Ideal": therapy, surgery and ophthalmology. Abdominal surgery and urethrostomy of cats. Has a license for vaccination, issuance of veterinary passports. Both departments have veterinary pharmacies and pet stores with a large range of dietary and medicinal feeds. The clinic also has a diagnostic laboratory.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation since 2015 in the field of internships for students of the specialty Veterinary and their subsequent employment.


Modern veterinary clinic with the latest medical equipment and high-tech medical equipment. Works 24/7.

History of cooperation:

Cooperation since 2018 in the field of internships for students of the specialty Veterinary and their subsequent employment.


Federal State Budgetary Institution Scientific Research Center for Radiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia is a center uniting three branches, the main focus is the development of fundamental and applied scientific potential and the application of the latest achievements of science and high technologies in the field of diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

History of cooperation:

Collaboration since 2018 in the field of internships for students of the specialty Veterinary, and Veterinary-sanitary expertise and their subsequent employment.


Research Institute of Rosselkhoznadzor, engaged in the quality control of medicines for veterinary use and feed additives. The Center is a member of the Russian national food safety system, as well as the main certification body for veterinary drugs.

History of cooperation:

Collaboration since 1995 in the field of internships for students of the specialty Veterinary, and Veterinary and sanitary expertise and their subsequent employment.