International center for language testing and educational training of migrants
The International Center for Language Testing and Educational Training of Migrants is one of the leading centers in Moscow for the study of Russian as a foreign language, the history of Russia and the basics of Russian legislation, as well as testing in these areas.
Conducts consultations for those wishing to be tested.
Thanks to the methods developed at the Center on the basis of modern technologies, during the Center's work since 2015, more than 500,000 thousand foreign citizens, both near and far abroad, have been successfully tested.
International Center for Language Testing and Educational Training of Migrants
The exam lasts no more than 80 minutes.
Duration no more than 90 minutes.
Duration no more than 90 minutes.
Exam for foreign citizens and stateless persons
The exam is carried out using control measuring materials, which are sets of tasks in a standardized form.
They are developed on the basis of the requirements for the minimum level of knowledge required to pass the exam in Russian as a foreign language, the history of Russia and the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/31/2021 No. 840, differentiated by the level of difficulty depending on the purpose of obtaining the certificate ...
Demonstration options (obtaining work permits or a patent - level 1, temporary residence - level 2, residence permit - level 3) of test items (control measuring materials) can be found on the website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements:
Schedule of exams in November 2021.
Cost of exam in Russian as a foreign language, Russian history and fundamentals of legislation
- This cost is valid for the center located at Moscow, st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 10, p. 3. Prices for other centers must be specified by phone
Center composition
- Provision of organizational and economic activities of ICFT and PFM RUDN
- Organization of normative legal support for the activities of ICFT and PFUR of RUDN University in terms of work with corporate partners of ICFT and PFR of RUDN University
- Organization of work on planning, preparation for the conclusion, execution and accounting of contracts concluded by the director of ICYATIOPM RUDN
- Implementation of the introduction into the learning process of new technologies and practices of the exam in Russian as a foreign language, the history of Russia and the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
- Development of a methodology for preparing for an exam in Russian as a foreign language, the history of Russia and the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the use of computer and distance technologies.
- Информационно-техническое сопровождение работы в Интегрированной распределенной системе информационного обмена результатами тестирования.
- Поддержка и консультационное сопровождение работы мест тестирования с использованием компьютерных технология и средств дистанционного проведения экзамена.
- Обеспечение бесперебойной работы оборудования в МЦЯТ и ОПМ.
- Экзаменационный центр международного центра языкового тестирования и образовательной подготовки мигрантов (МЦЯТ И ОПМ) проводит экзамен по русскому языку как иностранному, истории России и основам законодательства РФ для иностранных граждан и лиц без гражданств.
- Основная цель - подтверждение уровня владения иностранными гражданами и лицами без гражданства русским языком, знания истории России, основ законодательства Российской Федерации в соответствии с требованиями к минимальному уровню знаний, необходимых для сдачи экзамена на уровне, соответствующем цели получения разрешения на работу или патент (уровень 1), разрешения на временное проживание (уровень 2), вид на жительство (уровень 3).
- Основное значение экзамена - определение уровня сформированности языковой компетенции, речевых навыков и умений с целью решения коммуникативных задач когнитивного характера, определение уровня сформированности социокультурной и социоправовой компетенций.