Psychology of Education

Psychology of Education

Training period
4 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
4850 4700


The term “Psychologies” (psychology) was used for the first time by Rudolph Goclenius to designate the science of the soul. It happened in 1950. At the same time his contemporary Otto Casmann used the term of Psychology in the modern scientific sense. However, the origin of psychological knowledge is usually associated with ancient times (7th-6th centuries BC), when the concept of soul (psyche) originated after goddess Psyche. The concept allowed to explain feelings, ethical rules and logical processes of human soul in an accessible form.
The clinical method of psychoanalysis founded by Sigmund Freud is most popular in modern science. Psychology of Education BA is a programme that allows to use contemporary psychological methods in modern educational processes alongside with the English language. The specialists of the kind are in great demand in different spheres of human activities and society.
Don’t hesitate! Become a psychologist! And you will know how to understand human souls!

Educational Process

The main educational goal within Psychology of Education BA is to provide a student with in-depth training in theoretical and practical aspects of psychology, pedagogy, social and educational work, legal aspects of education, ethics, research methodology and the English language for organizational and managerial activities. Psychology of Education BA gives a student an opportunity to get a wide range of skills and abilities in the field of psychology, pedagogy and personnel management. Students take courses in General Psychology (including workshop), Social Psychology, Multicultural Education, History of Psychology, Pedagogic Psychology, Professional Ethics in Psychological-Pedagogic Activity, Fundamentals of Family Psychology and Family Counselling, etc. The academic process also includes such special disciplines as Psychological Diagnostics of Elementary and Primary School Children (including workshop), Defectology, Methods and Techniques of the Work of Social Pedagogue and Psychologic Correction.
The teaching process includes the application of innovative methods, new information and communication technologies and modern multimedia courses.


Practical skills are extremely important for future psychologists and specialists in modern education. Practice includes pedagogical, social and psychological aspects. Discussions, business games, master classes of leading experts in the field of managerial psychology and modern education, personal projects, communication with potential employers – all these aspects form professional competencies. The main bases of practice are different Russian and foreign companies, personnel and travel agencies, municipal and governmental structures, banks, embassies, social funds, colleges, universities.


Graduates can carry out professional activities in management and educational services, social and medical organizations, personnel management agencies, travel agencies, radio and television broadcasting companies, restaurant and hotel services, in different offices of Russian and foreign companies, public funds and organizations.