Psychological and Pedagogic Principles of Organizational and Managerial Activities

Psychological and Pedagogic Principles of Organizational and Managerial Activities

Mode of study
Level of study

Training period
2 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
5250 5100


Frederick Winslow Taylor, one of the first management consultant, summed up his new management techniques in “The principles of Scientific Management” published in 1911. However, psychological aspects of management have been actual since ancient times when people tried to explain feelings, ethical rules and logical processes of human soul in an accessible form.
In modern world a master in Psychology and Social Pedagogy is a manager-psychologist who can find a way out of difficult situations, create a consolidated team, maintain a healthy interpersonal climate, solve problems between and among employees. It is one of the most prestigious working areas.

Educational Process

The Program is designed for students wishing to pursue more advanced studies in the field of psychology, pedagogy and management.
Its aim is to train highly qualified specialists with in-depth knowledge of the English language for organizational and managerial activities in various domestic and foreign institutions.
The students acquire profound knowledge of psychology of management, personnel management in educational institutions and commercial entities. They develop an understanding and acquire skills of coaching technology, psychologic diagnostics in managerial activities, psychologic counseling in commercial organizations, socio-psychologic training.
Applicants for the MA Programme should have BA in humanities. This course is developed for graduates with bachelor’s or professional diplomas, including those not trained previously in “Psycho-pedagogical education” or in “Social pedagogy” specialty. The level of English should be Upper Intermediate or higher.


Actual discussions, business games, master classes of leading experts in the field of managerial psychology and modern education, participation in international conferences, interviews with potential employers — all these aspects form professional competencies, qualities and skills that enable future graduates to be competitive in Russian and international labor market.
Students acquire their practical skills and abilities in well-known Russian and foreign companies, employment agencies, as well as in municipal and governmental structures, banks, embassies.


The Program graduates will be able to carry out not only interpersonal, but also cross-cultural mediation, neutralize conflicts, and manage people and processes, start business projects of their own, independently and creatively manage and develop it and be ready for career growth and research work. They will be able to get a job in higher education institutions, production companies, municipal and governmental structures, banks, tourism and hospitality industry, as managers in the sphere of education, managers-psychologists, assistant managers. Graduates of the programme can easily manage psychologic services and run recruiting agencies. Moreover, good knowledge of the English language enhances the opportunities for communication and interaction with business partners around the world.