Comparison and Contrast of Languages in Diachrony and Synchrony
Theoretical, Applied and Comparative-Contrastive Linguistics
Institute of Foreign Languages
3 Year
Comparative method of linguistic research boosted the development of historical linguistics and linguistic typology that possess their own research methods. Today these specific methods are applied in different fields of linguistics on diverse linguistic materials and for specific purposes. However, these methods have evolved from the comparative method, and historical linguistics and linguistic typology explore partially comparable linguistic systems. The research methodology and procedure are different, although they have similarities. Within this frame texts are needed only to prove the characteristics of the analyzed language systems. Another link between these two fields is the interrelation of research results and the possibility to prove the correctness of the data obtained with the help of cross-sectional analysis. That is why the program offers a combination of courses on historical linguistics and linguistic typology. The final stage of PhD studies in this profile consists of passing candidacy examinations and successful defense of the scientific qualifying paper (dissertation) in candidacy for a PhD degree in philological sciences.
Educational Process
Intensive immersion in the profession starts from the very first year of the PhD program, special attention being paid to the comparative characteristics of phonetics, grammar and vocabulary of Germanic, Romance and other languages, as well as to comparative analysis PhD students are trained to analyze complex linguistic phenomena, to conduct evaluations and present relevant argumentation, to obtain, select and collect relevant data using specific linguistic methods.
The offered educational program defines objectives, expected results, content, conditions and technologies of educational process, as well as evaluation of quality of preparation of PhD graduate in this scientific specialization. The key disciplines are the following: “Comparison and juxtaposition of languages in diachrony and synchrony”, “History and philosophy of science”, “Foreign Language”, “Pedagogy of higher education”, “Methodology of scientific research”, “Information databases for scientific research and publication”.
All postgraduates have opportunity to participate in international conferences, present the results of their original research at scientific seminars and publish articles in journals that are in indexed in international databases.
The PhD program “Comparison and juxtaposition of languages in diachrony and synchrony” is aimed at training higher education professionals, so all students undergo teaching practice. In the frame of this PhD program teaching practice is evenly distributed over the two years of studies. PhD students conduct lectures and seminars on subject theoretical disciplines and give practical classes in foreign languages for target audience.
Teaching training also includes elements of scientific research: postgraduates plan and carry out their research responsibilities of preparation of scientific publications and dissertations.
Acquiring practical professional experience is a key part of the program. With the help of our specially designed program of job referral PhD program graduates can find teaching placements, get scholarships in research projects or try to obtain grants in partner universities. Graduates of this PhD program work in linguistic schools and language departments of universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg and other higher educational institutions of Russia, conduct scientific research in the Russian Academy of Sciences, collaborate with various universities of the CIS and far-abroad countries.