Expertise in Environmental Protection and Sustainability

Expertise in Environmental Protection and Sustainability

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation
Ecology and Nature Management

Training period
2 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
5900 5650


At present time professional environmental education is an integral part of environmental safety system of any state. Successful implementation of ecological direction of sustainable development is possible only under the condition of human resources policy perfection in this sphere. The priority task in training highly qualified, globally competitive specialists in the sphere of ecology, nature resources use and environment protection is creation and perfection of ecological education innovative technologies system. Ecology belongs to those sciences, which integrate data received from different sciences into one system and is called to reflect real links between different phenomena of real world. Integration of ecological knowledge with economic and legal knowledge is of great importance for successful implementation of the concept of sustainable development of society.

Educational Process

The programme is a research programme with elements of control-expertise and organizational-management activity and regulates the aims, expected results, content, conditions and technologies of the educational process realization, evaluation of the quality of graduate training in the given direction. The programme includes: academic disciplines and methodological materials ensuring the implementation of the relevant educational technology and the quality of students' training; programmes of scientific and industrial practice; programmes and methodological guidelines for the final state certification; other original materials characterising the given educational programme. Core disciplines:
— Sustainable development goals;
— Methods of analysis in expert ecology;
— Toxicants in the environment;
— Assessment of harm caused to the environment;
— Methods of elimination of accumulated environmental damage (EIA);
— Forensic examination of environmental objects;
— Radioecological expertise;
— Food safety;
— Regional and municipal waste management systems;
— Environmental insurance;
— Environmental audit;
— Legal foundations of environmental protection;
— Human adaptation to environmental conditions.


Students undertake practical training at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA); Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of RAS; Institute of Physical and Biological Problems of Soil Science of RAS; Institute of Forest Science of RAS; Institute of Geography of RAS; Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor); Mosecomonitoring; Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow and others.


Graduates of the Master program are highly qualified specialists who can work effectively at large industrial enterprises, research institutes and centers, higher education institutions, supervisory and controlling bodies (Rosprirodnadzor, environmental prosecutor's office, etc.), conduct work in the field of environmental protection and quality assessment. Potential consumers of the graduates of the educational program are:
— territorial offices of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor);
— regional and municipal departments of natural resources and environmental protection and environmental control departments;
— environmental prosecutor's offices;
— industrial enterprises of various forms of ownership, laboratories for environmental protection, labour protection;
— scientific-research institutes and design institutes whose activities are related to expert assessments in addressing environmental problems;
— Russian and international public organizations associated with environmental protection.