Anaesthesiology and intensive care

Anaesthesiology and intensive care

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation

Training period
2 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
8000 7850


The first term “anesthesia” was used by the Greek philosopher Pedanius Dioscorides in the 1st century BC. to describe the narcotic action of mandrake. In 1846 A.D. Oliver Wendell Holmes coined the word anesthesia, a dreamlike condition for surgical interventions to be carried out painlessly. In the USA, the term “anesthesiology”, meaning the studies of anesthesia, was first proposed to be used in the 1920s due to growing scientific bases of this specialty.
At the present time, the tasks of anesthesiology go beyond the elimination of pain during surgery or childbirth. Anesthesiology and Critical Care specialist is a doctor who can confidently compensate and treat a patient in critical condition or control and stabilize the vital life functions during the perioperative period.

Educational Process

This is one of the most sophisticated professions out of all existing medical specialties. During two years of training, residents are immersed fully in the process of training and learning by direct interaction with patients. On the foundation of theoretical knowledge which will gradually be built up a competent proportional structure of patient management in critical conditions and form practical skills of resuscitation, maintenance of anesthesia during surgery, patient management in the postoperative period.
An anesthetist-reanimatologist can and will do everything! You can become such a doctor having mastered the 2-year course with the following disciplines: “Algology (acute and chronic pain management) ”, “Intensive care”, “Intensive care in obstetrics”, “Nutritionology”, “Transfusion medicine”, “Pediatric anesthesiology and intensive care”, “Cardiology», “Neurology”, “Pedagogy”, “Emergency Situations”.


Practical skills and algorithms are trained using specialized simulators and mannequins with clinical modeling of critical situations and scenarios at the RUDN University simulation center and also in the simulation practices at the Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation RUDN University, using a specialized system for training. But working with patients in the real-world is an essential part of the resident's clinical practices. Special attention is paid in providing emergency assistance in emergency cases, especially on a variety of options available for vascular access.


Graduates who have completed the residency program are ready to solve prophylactic, diagnostic, medical, rehabilitation, and other issues. The workplace of such a specialist would be a hospital or clinic with a surgical department and an intensive care unit. The anesthesiologist and critical care specialist one day could become the head of the ICU units.
The opportunity of scientific discoveries and works is also available to graduates of the residency program at our department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology. The department is engaged in a very complex, but an interesting new direction in medicine such as the treatment and rehabilitation of critically ill patients caused by damage to the brain of various etiologies. Any scientific research in resolving the burning issues in this field is waiting for your active intervention!