
Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation

Training period
2 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
8000 7850


Hematology is the branch of physiology and medicine dealing with the blood, haematopoietic organs, and blood and the bone marrow disorders (including anemias and hemoblastoses).
Hematology nowadays is obvious to be the most thriving health profession. Novel high-technology and informative diagnostic methods and treatment algorithms are being percolating into the clinical practice. Compound multicomponent therapy is used in blood disorders treatment, which allows to cure many of the tumors, being lethal in the recent past.

Educational Process

The residents maintain profile patients attendance, the patients at the department, participate in diagnostic and treatment manipulations, many of whom they perform by themselves with the help of experienced doctor.
Desciplines: “Hygiene and epidemiology of the emergency (disaster medicine)”, “Respiratory and thoracic disorders in the hematological practice”, “Cardiovascular disorders in the hematology practice”, “Neurological disorders in the hematology practice”, “Mental examination in the hematology practice”, “Radiation injury of the haematopoietic system”, “Pedagogy (pedagogical aspects at the doctor’s work)”, “Hematological aspects of the norbid anatomy and hystology”, “Cytochemistry of the blood cells”, “Genetics in hematology”, “Public health”, “Microbiology”, “Pathology”, “X-ray and radionuclide diagnosis in hematology”, “Immunochemistry”, “Transmissive infections”, “Articulations disorders in the hematology practice”, “Endocrinology disorders in the hematology practice”, “Viral infections in the hematology practice”, “Vascular disorders”, “Telemedicine”, “Legal liability of the healthcare providers for the professional violation”.


Working at the special hospital and outpatient departments, participation at the clinical discussions, conciliums, conferences, maintenance of medical records, diagnostic manipulations presentation, follow-up of patients


Hematologist may be in demand for the special hospital departments, multi-field polyclinics, perinatal centres, regional hospitals, oncologic dispensaries, research institutes, hemotransfusion stations.