General dentistry

General dentistry

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation
General Dentistry

Training period
2 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
8100 7950


A General dentist should know and be able to do a lot, in fact, he can do almost everything in this specialty, because he is a little bit of a dentist-therapist, orthopedist, hygienist, and surgeon. He will inform the population how to take care of the oral cavity and provide first aid, and cure the damaged tooth, remove it if necessary, prescribe the necessary examinations. He is able to help almost every patient suffering from toothache and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

Educational Process

The educational process is implemented in two departments: propaedeutics of dental diseases and General and clinical dentistry. The educational program is designed for persons with higher medical education. The training is aimed at training highly qualified specialists in the treatment of major dental diseases, for independent work in public health institutions or in private practice. Training is practice-oriented and aimed at the formation of systematic knowledge and professional competencies that allow you to carry out medical activities.


The sdudents having worked out their skills in simulation courses, residents are assigned to the departments of dental clinics in Moscow, where under the guidance of professors of departments they have the opportunity not only to expand their knowledge, but also to see their application in practice. In addition, one of the clinical bases of the Department of General and clinical dentistry is the Russian scientific center of radiology (RNCRR), where the Department implements one of its main clinical and scientific directions “Providing dental care to patients with somatic pathology”. Within this direction, the Department considers the issues of early diagnosis of cancer in the mouth, dental support of oncological and oncohematological patients, dental rehabilitation of patients with complex somatic pathology. This direction is very rare and very popular, because today most patients have comorbidities.


Graduates of the program have the opportunity to work in public hospitals, private clinics, medical schools, higher educational institutions of medical specialization, scientific organizations, clinics, and diagnostic centers.