Surgical dentistry

Surgical dentistry

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation
Dental surgery

Training period
2 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
8100 7950


Surgical dentistry is one of the fundamental areas of dentistry. Treatment of many diseases is impossible without invasive intervention. Surgical dentistry includes: implantation, tooth-preserving procedures, treatment of inflammatory processes (periodontitis, periostitis, osteomyelitis, abscesses, phlegmon), tooth extraction(partial or complete removal), treatment of precancerous diseases of the oral cavity, preparation of the oral cavity for subsequent prosthetics, treatment of TMJ diseases, treatment of diseases of the trigeminal nerve, treatment of diseases of the salivary glands, primary surgical treatment of wounds of the face, neck, oral cavity, reconstructive and plastic surgery on jaws, diagnostics of specific diseases when they appear in the oral cavity (actinomycosis, tuberculosis, syphilis), operations on periodontal tissues.

Educational Process

Тhe Educational program is designed for persons with higher medical education, aimed at training highly qualified specialists in cases of inefficiency of conservative therapy of the teeth or oral cavity. Training is practically oriented in nature and is aimed at the formation of systematic knowledge and professional competencies that allow you to carry out medical activities. During two years of study, the resident studies a number of disciplines with the subsequent control of the acquired knowledge. The curriculum includes two blocks: educational disciplines and practice.
The block of educational discipline includes the following sections and modules:
1. Basic part:
— Surgical dentistry;
— Hygiene and Epidemiology of Emergencies;
— Pedagogy;
— Public health and healthcare;
— icrobiology.
2. Variable part:
Disciplines of the Department of Education:
— Axillofacial Surgery;
— Orthognathic surgery.
Disciplines of the choice of the resident:
— Foreign language in the field of professional communication / Russian as a foreign language in the field of professional communication;
— Implantology / Maxillofacial tumors.
Practice block includes modules:
1. Basic part:
— Educational simulation course.
2. Production (clinical) practice:
— Neurostomatology;
— Oral and maxillofacial trauma;
— Basics of reconstruction and complex ectoprosthetics of the face;
— Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral and maxillofacial regions.
3. Variable part:
— Bone grafting;
— TMJ surgery.
Educational and lecture halls located in RUDN University and on the territory of clinical bases are equipped with equipment that allows the use of simulation technologies, with standard sets of professional models and the results of laboratory and instrumental studies in an amount that allows students to master the skills and abilities provided for by professional activity, individually.


Practical skills of the resident are practiced throughout the training. The initial stage is the development of manipulations within the framework of simulation courses. Having worked out their skills on phantoms, residents are assigned to the departments of dental clinics in Moscow, where, under the guidance of professors of the department, they have the opportunity not only to expand their knowledge, but also to see their application in practice.


After completing the residency program in the direction of training on 31.08.74 Dentistry Surgical, the resident is issued a diploma of completion of the residency. To be admitted to the implementation of therapeutic and prophylactic activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, a graduate must undergo primary special accreditation. Graduates of the program have the opportunity of employment in public hospitals, private clinics, medical schools, higher educational institutions of medical specialization, scientific organizations, polyclinics, consultative and diagnostic centers.