Functional diagnostics

Functional diagnostics

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation
Functional diagnostics

Training period
2 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
8000 7850


This educational program is created for specialists with a medical degree. The program is designed to cover required knowledge and skills in the sphere of functional diagnostics during the work with cardiological, pulmonological and neurological patients. Much attention is aimed at development of high-technology functional learning methods and ability to conduct consulting functions as a doctor in functional diagnostics.

Educational Process

Training is conducted on the basis of the V. V. Vinogradov City Сlinical hospital in the department of functional and ultrasound diagnostics. Opportunity to work with the doctors of functional diagnostics in cardio department and neiroreanimation. Close cooperation with practicing doctors and dynamic patient monitoring. Active scientific research is encouraged. One of the unconditional benefits of the program is its staffing: practicing doctors and PhD candidates, HCPs with a great experience in functional diagnostics sphere.


Residents are assigned to divisions of clinical bases of the Department, where under the guidance of professors of the Department they have an opportunity not only to expand their knowledge, but also to see its’ application in practice. The participants are taking part in conferences and analysis of clinical cases which ensures an opportunity to gain rich clinical experience during the residency.


Program graduate is a highly qualified specialist who manages modern high-tech methods of diagnosis and treatment and can provide medical, diagnostic, research activities and engage in a private medical practice. Graduates have the opportunity to work in polyclinics, functional diagnostics departments, hospitals, diagnostic centers, research and clinical centers, private medical centers or clinics, sanatoriums.