International Education Management

International Education Management

Training period
2 Year 6 Months
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens


In the modern era, effective management is an indispensable condition for the successful functioning of any socio-economic system, and especially as complex as the education system. The rapid development of the scale and forms of international educational cooperation and the expansion of the global educational services market over the past decade have led to a constant increase in the demand for highly qualified specialists in the field of international education. The requirements for the qualifications and competence of specialists in managerial and analytical profile for work in the divisions and structures responsible for organizing international educational cooperation and exporting Russian education, in various international services as executors or heads of the management apparatus of organizations of any legal form are constantly increasing. Modern practice of higher education shows how important the ability of educational management is not only to reduce costs, but also to find innovative solutions to maintain the stability of universities in difficult and difficult to predict operating conditions.

Educational Process

Along with the study of 5 basic disciplines required for the direction “management”, students should also take 15 disciplines, six of which are chosen by the student, designed to form professional competencies due to the nature of their future professional activity.
The curricula of master’s programs include, in particular, such important disciplines for a manager in the sphere of international education as Structure and Management in Higher Education, Foreign Education Systems, International Educational Cooperation, World Market of Educational Services, Academic Mobility and Problems of Recognition of Qualifications, Information Technologies of Management Activities. Classes are conducted by first-class specialists who are experts of international level and have extensive experience both in Russian higher education management bodies and in international academic cooperation organizations.


Students intern in subdivisions and departments of Russian and foreign higher education organizations, as well as educational authorities directly involved in the organization of international educational cooperation or in their information, analytical and scientific support.


In connection with the introduction of the state priority project “Development of export potential of the Russian education system” for 2017-2025, the prospects for employment and career development of graduates of the program are significantly increased.
The proposed program is designed to train specialists in managerial and analytical skills who are able to successfully work in organizations and departments of the Russian education system, responsible for the organization of international educational cooperation and export of educational services. The field of professional activity of graduates who have mastered the Master’s degree program also includes management activities in organizations of any legal form in which graduates work as executives or managers in various international services of the management apparatus.