International Relations

International Relations

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation
International Relations

Training period
4 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
6150 5950


The specifics of training IR specialists involves training qualified staff who have all the necessary knowledge to negotiate at the international level, understand the foreign policy of Russia and foreign countries, are able to defend the interests of the country in the world political arena, have communication skills, speak several foreign languages. The profession includes both theoretical and practical aspects of training staff to carry on business correspondence, carry out analytical work, accompany foreign delegations, provide assistance in establishing international contacts, participate in the work of international organizations.

Educational Process

When implementing bachelor’s programme 41.03.05 “International Relations”, students are offered academic disciplines that provide an opportunity to gain a broad outlook both in foreign policy, international relations, diplomacy, security, as well as in history, philosophy, political science, economics, ethnology, cultural studies, logic, rhetoric. They form future specialists in international relations, whose professional arsenal includes everything that will help them in their work in responsible positions in various countries of the world, international organizations. Particular attention is paid to highly specialized disciplines, such as:
— Foreign Policy Analysis;
— Game Theory;
— Foreign Policy of CIS Countries;
— Russia in Global Affairs;
— Analytical Centres of Europe and the USA;
— Diplomatic Etiquette, Protocol and Ceremonial.
It is impossible to become a specialist in international relations without mastery of several languages. The include: English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Persian (Farsi).


One of the most important forms of organizing the learning process is the practice-oriented nature of training students, since the Department of Theory and History of International Relations focuses its work on training a new generation of specialists with a deep knowledge of the theory of international relations with the skills of analysing, modelling, forecasting international relations, planning foreign policy, using information technologies and the art of business communication.
Students undergo their training internship in the 3rd year, work placement takes place in more than 90 state and non-state institutions, including:
— Russian Foreign Ministry;
— Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
— UN Information Centre;
— Rosoboronexport;
— Rosatom;
— representative offices of the President of the Russian Federation;
— State Duma of the Russian Federation;
— Federation Council of the Russian Federation;
— embassies of the CIS countries and embassies and missions of foreign countries in the Russian Federation;
— Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia;
— non-governmental organizations;
— political parties of the Russian Federation and business entities.


As a result of mastering bahelor's programme 41.03.05 “International Relations”, students acquire skills and abilities in modern international relations. IR graduates are able to apply modern theoretical and practical knowledge to implement a variety of tasks related to meeting the needs of the labor market.
The future activity of an IR graduate is wide and diverse. The main positions held by graduates iclude: diplomat, international expert, analyst, international journalist, lawyer, economist, manager. Graduates are employed in the central office of the Russian Foreign Ministry; embassies and consulates of Russia in the USA, Germany, Belgium, China, Egypt, Syria, Morocco and other countries; diplomatic institutions of a number of foreign states; international organizations; commercial organizations; research centres; higher educational institutions of Russia and foreign countries.