
Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation

Training period
5 Years
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens


A sociologist is a specialist whose main job is to study, analyze, and evaluate the processes which take place in society. On the one hand, a sociologist is engaged in research work, on the other hand, they collect and systematize data obtained through observation and experiment. Surveys and questionnaires are considered to be the main tools of a specialist. The purpose of sociological research is various processes of social development, as well as relationships that develop in family, gender, professional, political, national, confessional communities. As part of mastering the programme, students acquire knowledge and skills required in various areas of sociological activity.

Educational Process

Graduates can engage in scientific and research activities in studying social problems; production and applied activities in social and economic policy, social expertise, marketing; information and consulting work in government and administration, institutions of education, culture, healthcare, social communications and other areas; project activities (diagnostics, planning and evaluation of the current indicators characterizing objects of professional activity); organizational and managerial activities in various professional fields; teaching activity.


From the second year, students are involved in practical training which takes place in the sociological laboratory. Practical training is aimed at implementing theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the training process; working with social information, its processing and presentation using modern software products for writing an analytical report. Students complete their internships not only at university, but also in the leading sociological research centres of Russia, such as the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Centre (VTsIOM), TNS Gallup Media, Romir Monitoring Standard, International Institute of Marketing and Social Research “GfK- Rus”, etc.
During internships, contacts are established with future employers.


Graduates are successfully employed both in Russia and abroad in the largest research and analytical companies; well-known advertising, branding and PR agencies; government and administrative institutions; federal and municipal authorities; personnel and recruiting agencies; international and public organizations; in the media, leading educational and research institutions. Much depends on the “breadth of horizons” and the creative imagination of young people armed with knowledge — these are the qualities that graduates who have mastered the educational programme in Sociology have.