
Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation

Training period
4 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
4850 4700


Philosophy means “love of wisdom” in ancient Greek. This ancient science originated several centuries BC. However, it remains forever young, as wisdom cannot become obsolete. Only specific knowledge becomes obsolete, but wisdom, like a certain ability to mould life, never does. The contents of the educational programme fully reflect the specifics of RUDN University as an internationally oriented university. In the process of mastering it, students study Chinese, Indian, Arab-Muslim, Western and Russian philosophy, get acquainted with modern Latin American and African philosophy. There is no such diversity in any other Russian university. For centuries, it was philosophers who played a primary role in the formation of political ideologies and social concepts, understanding various types of worldviews, developing the principles of tolerance, liberalism and democracy on which modern developed societies are built.

Educational Process

An innovative teaching model is used, interactive educational technologies are actively used, group and individual forms are combined when implementing the bachelor’s programme in Philosophy (47.03.01). Special philosophical disciplines begin to be studied already in the first year.
The main special disciplines studied:
— History of Foreign Philosophy;
— History of Russian Philosophy;
— Ontology and Theory of Knowledge;
— Ethics;
— Aesthetics;
— Philosophy and Methods of Science;
— Philosophy of Religion;
— Religion Studies;
— Foreign Language and etc.
Throughout the entire process of implementing an educational programme, students study a foreign language of their choice. It is possible to obtain a degree in translation.


In the last year of training, students are engaged in scientific and practical research within the chosen specialization, write and defend theses. In addition, training provides for completing a mandatory teaching internship at the leading schools in Moscow (SBEI Centre for Education No. 109 of the South-Western District of Moscow, SBEI Moscow School No. 1434), preceded by a special training course dedicated to studying the basics of teaching methods in school. There is a possibility of completing a teaching internship at the philosophical departments of RUDN University, as well as completing internships individually.
It is possible to complete an internship at foreign universities within the framework of the programme.


After completing studies, graduates are successfully employed in various fields:
— teaching in general educational institutions, institutions of secondary vocational and higher education;
— in research and academic centres and organizations;
— translation activities;
— in culture and art (libraries, museums, exhibitions, etc.);
— in information and analytical centres;
— editorial activity in mass media;
— in public authorities and municipal government;
— in public organizations;
— in commercial entities;
— business activities, and etc.
There is an opportunity to continue education under the master’s and postgraduate programme.