
Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation

Training period
4 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
4850 4700


As the “Queen of sciences”, Mathematics is often called the language of the Universe, it is crucial for our understanding of the world. A mathematician is a highly intellectual profession that gained popularity in ancient Greece. It has been proved that industries and sciences related to mathematics develop most intensively. A mathematician makes a mathematical description of a problem and determines the possibility and methods of solving this problem in the most rational way. Building a mathematical model of the process and defining a numerical method for solving the problem is an important part of a mathematician’s activity.
Mathematics serves the needs of other sciences, but it has its own value and beauty. A real mathematician is akin to an artist or musician: he is a creator as well! The British philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell wrote: “Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty—a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture, without appeal to any part of our weaker nature, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music, yet sublimely pure, and capable of a stern perfection such as only the greatest art can show.”

Educational Process

A distinguished feature of courses in “Mathematics” is a flexible combination of classical mathematical training of both theoretical and applied mathematicians who have acquired modern methods of mathematical modeling and information technologies. During the four years of training, students study disciplines directly related to their future professional activities, as well as a wide range of natural and social-humanitarian sciences. The program consists of a set of basic subjects to be studied on a mandatory basis, and a set of electives, determining the possible trajectory of study and a narrower professional specialization. Students master a wide range of mathematical subjects, such as “Mathematical Analysis”, “Algebra and Analytical Geometry”, “Differential Equations”, “Partial Differential Equations”, “Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Logic”, “Probability Theory and Random Processes”, “Functional Analysis”, “Numerical methods and Optimization Methods”, “Complex and analysis”. Throughout the last years, much time is devoted to research work, participation in scientific seminars and scientific and practical conferences.
Students are involved in solving scientific problems in:
— mathematical modeling and computational mathematics;
— optimal management and optimization;
— mathematical economic forecasting, risk analysis.


Research work and internship in scientific laboratories and research centers of the Mathematical Institute, which is included into the curriculum, contribute to the formation and development of professional competencies. It provides for mandatory participation of students in scientific work, the preparation and defense of interdisciplinary coursework on the topics of mandatory subjects within the professional cycle, as well as students’ participation in scientific work through the student scientific society. Master classes are annually held by leading experts and representatives of employers of real sectors of economy, Russian and foreign scientists from leading universities and research centers.


Mathematicians are in demand in all fields of science, industry, information technology, in financial departments and management. Versatile training allows them to work:
— in Russian and foreign educational institutions and research centers;
— in the banking sector and consulting firms;
— in insurance companies;
— at industrial enterprises with various forms of ownership;
— at joint ventures and national offices of the largest multinational companies.