Applied Informatics

Applied Informatics

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation
Applied Informatics

Training period
4 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
5450 5300


Graduates’ main field of activity is IT area: companies and company divisions which develop software systems, implement and maintain information and communication technologies in various subjects. Graduates are capable of doing a wide range of professional tasks acting as system administrators, computer network maintenance specialists, systems analysts, computer engineers, programmers, software testers, etc. Experienced specialists with managerial skills can grow up to be project managers.

Educational Process

The course provides for students' acquisition of skills, knowledge and experience necessary for carrying out professional activities; formation of cultural and professional competencies required by the educational standard and specialization; quality preparation of bachelor graduates competitive in the labor market and capable of solving professional problems in research, manufacturing and pedagogics.
Throughout the four years of learning, students do courses in subjects closely associated with future professions and learn a wide range of natural and humanitarian sciences. The curriculum consists of basic subjects, mandatory for each student, and electives, determining a learning trajectory that allows for more specialized education. During the senior years, much time is devoted to research projects, partaking in scientific seminars and preparation of the bachelor’s thesis.


The curriculum includes undergraduate internship based on Scientific centers of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Telecommunications.


Graduates’ professional capabilities are related to:
— research activities based on usage of mathematical methods and computer technologies in different fields;
— problem solving through usage of computer software and mathematical modeling of processes and objects;
— system analysis of applied fields, formalization of solving applied tasks and processes of informational systems;
— development of projects for automation and informatization of applied processes and establishment of informational systems in applied fields;
— creation, implementation, modification and maintenance of informational systems and managing these workflows.