
Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation
Foreign Area Studies

Training period
4 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
5550 5350


The Bachelor’s degree programme in “Foreign Regional Studies”, specialty “Ibero-America”, is aimed at training a wide range of specialists who are able to assess professionally the trends in political, economic, socio-cultural development and the potential of the region. A graduate of this training course will be able to design, conduct and develop projects on cooperation with Latin American countries and Spain, conduct negotiation, analytical, journalistic and diplomatic activities.
During the last decade the role of Ibero-America has been increasing. The region, historically on the periphery of international processes, is now represented by the centers of economic power in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. Their specific weight in the Russian economy has also increased due to the economic sanctions imposed by the European Union and the USA. The ability to assess the ongoing political and social phenomena in the region correctly will help professionals to develop the most effective strategy, thereby minimizing the risks.
Graduates of the Department of Ibero-American Studies have in-depth economic, political, socio-cultural knowledge of Ibero-American states and can work in trade missions, cultural centers, news and analysis agencies, and diplomatic missions in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries.

Educational Process

The general education process is divided into several thematic blocks, under which special courses are taught. The blocks consist of economic, political science, socio-cultural and historical and linguistic areas. In the linguistics block two languages are studied: English and the language of the region of specialisation (Spanish). There is an opportunity to supplement the specialisation with a professional interpreter program and learn an additional profession.
In the first year students take a set of general courses. In the second year, students take a deeper dive into specialised topics in the area of Regional Studies; lectures in Spanish are given selectively by members of the Department of Ibero-American Studies. The department periodically organises an academic seminar entitled as “Dialectics of International Development” to which prominent representatives of research centres, trade and diplomatic representations are invited.
In addition, students are actively involved in scientific activities through preparation and participation in conferences at the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as participating in various student competitions. As a part of the Economics Department, internships in Spanish-speaking universities are possible.


The Department organises work placements, internships and pre-graduation internships for the students. The internship locations are scientific institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, think tanks and representative offices of Latin American companies.


Professionals in the field of international economic relations, regional and international politics who are fluent in two foreign languages at a professional level enter employment
— in public administration bodies;
— in foreign and consular missions of Russia;
— higher educational institutions;
— academic institutions;
— cultural centres;
— mass media;
— to banking structures carrying out international activities;
— prestigious domestic companies operating in the Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American markets;
— large international businesses. These specialists are also in demand in the tourism industry and hotel business. Thus, the programme trains professionals with diplomatic and professional communication skills in a wide range of scientific and applied areas of knowledge.