Urban Economics

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation

Training period
4 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
6350 6450


“Urban economics” as a scientific field which appeared in the 1960s in the USA. Currently, “Urban economics” is a widespread practice-oriented educational programme of the key universities of Europe and America. And it is clear why: the role of urban agglomerations in the economic development of any country is increasing (in 2020, more than 56% of the world's population live in cities, which produced more than ¾ of the world's GNP). A priority in most countries of the world is being given to management the economies of rapidly growing agglomerations, creating favourable conditions for business and people's lives. The shortage of qualified economists leads to growing challenges in the socio-economic development of cities in both developed and developing countries.
That is why urban studies has become a priority education field at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Urban economists, in addition to their knowledge of macroeconomic and demographic trends, have a broad set of competencies in spatial analysis based on Big Data and planning. Our graduates are economists engaged in comprehensive analysis of urban development, economic modelling of socio-economic development of urban housing and drafting strategic planning documents. They are skilled in working with various spatial analysis tools, including geographic information systems; they can create and analyse the effectiveness of economic development strategies, investment projects and land use, assess urban logistics and carry out cluster analysis.

Educational Process

The content of the programme has been developed in accordance with the RUDN educational standard and takes into account the requirements of Russian and foreign employers for Bachelor’s training.
Particular attention is drawn to the compulsory economic disciplines which develop professional competences in the field of enterprise economics, finance and credit, international economic relations. This approach ensures a comprehensive analysis the patterns of urban economic development, including the perspective of city-forming enterprises, competitiveness of cities in world markets, financing of urbanization processes.
Intensive learning begins with the study of professional disciplines (“Public Sector Economics”, “Economics of Housing and Utilities”, “Urban and Municipal Finance”, “Territorial Development Management”, “Urban Economics”), and special disciplines that form methods of analysis and management of urban economy (“GIS in Urban Management”, “Urban Logistics”, “Urban Environment Research Methods”, “Modelling of Social and Economic Processes in Urban Environment”). Particular attention is paid to current trends in urban development, which are covered in such courses as “Branding Cities”, “Sustainable Urban Development”, “United Nations Commission projects on Urban Settlements”, “Smart City”, and “Legal Support for Urban Economic Development”.


Master classes, projects, and internships contribute to an understanding of the importance and potential of the specialty Urban Economics. The possibility of choosing the university disciplines allows each student to independently develop a curriculum in accordance with his or her goals and interests. The programme includes active learning methods: trainings and business games, case studies, projects, foresight sessions, critical thinking methods and Insert method. Parallel to the main programme at the RUDN Faculty of Economics, there is an opportunity to obtain the degree “Interpreter in Professional Communication” with the compulsory defence of the Bachelor’s thesis in a foreign language.
A number of courses are studied in close cooperation with the partners, which are United Nations Commission projects on Urban Settlements (UN-Habitat), “Institute of Urban Economics” Fund, Moscow Urban Centre, Russian organization “Urban Renovations”, ANO “Institute of Regional Consulting”).
As part of the Students' Scientific Circle “Urban Economics: We Learn to Manage the City” and under the guidance of the lecturers of the department, students participate in joint projects of the department and partner companies.

Work placement and research paper internships are held at international organisations (UN Urban Settlement Programme), federal executive authorities, funds, associations involved in urban development (“Institute for Urban Economics” Fund, Federal Antimonopoly Service, GIS-Association, Moscow City Duma, Union of Small Towns, Moscow Urban Centre “Gorod”, Russian organisation “Urban Renovations”), in the research organisations (ANO “Institute of Regional Consulting”), in organisations and institutions managing municipal socio-economic development. Every year, outstanding students undertake internships with the Government of Moscow and Moscow Region, participate in panel discussions at the Moscow Urban Forum, national and international conferences.
Graduates of the programme work as economists in state and municipal administration; development, logistics and investment companies; urban environment and urban economy research; they are also able to continue their studies in master’s programmes.


Graduates of the programme are eligible for employment in state and municipal administration; development, logistics and investment companies; companies consulting in the field of urban environment and urban economy.
The acquired knowledge allows them to work as economists in the system of state and municipal administration as well as in private business: development, logistic and investment companies, in the field of urban environment and urban economy research. Graduates of the programme are also qualified to continue studying in the Master of Economics at RUDN Faculty of Economics.