
Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation

Training period
2 Year 6 Months
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens


The master’s program “International business”, combined with the MBA Program, creates a new generation of leaders who are able to manage international companies and make competent economic decisions in the turbulence of the world economy and international economic relations.
The profession of a specialist in the field of international business is in demand in modern conditions, when the borders of national affiliation of business are being erased and the international vector of companies ' activities is being updated.
A specialist in the field of conducting and managing international business needs to have a flexible and open business mindset, quickly respond to changes in world markets and trends, know the basics of Economics and international economic relations, the basics of management, financial analysis, marketing communications tools and information technologies.

Educational Process

Master’s programme “Smart Business” is a cutting-edge practice-oriented business education. A special feature of the learning process is the simultaneous training of students in two programmes — the Master’s programme and MBA level business education programme.
The Smart Business Master’s programme is a unique hybrid of business and international relations, designed for PRC students seeking to obtain the full set of competencies necessary and sufficient for working in international companies or successfully launching a global start-up.
The study period is 2.5 years (reduced to 2 years via re-credentialing of courses).
The Master’s programme is implemented jointly with MBA programme.
The course is in Russian. The study of the courses is modular.
E-learning and remote learning technologies are employed in the educational process. The key courses of the programme are: “International Business Management”, “International Trade”, “Modern Marketing and Brand Management”, “Firm's Foreign Economic Relations”, “International Currency and Credit Relations”, “Project Management”, “Innovative Activity of the Company”, “Business Communications”, “International Negotiations”, “Customs and Tariff Regulation”, “Features of Business in Russia”, “SMART Economy”, “Strategic Targeting: Business Models”, “Financial Management”, “Financial Strategy of the Company”.
Within case studies a Master student will be able to build a successful business model to manage a “smart” business, choose the most suitable smart technologies to increase business efficiency, optimize material and financial flows in the company taking into account smart technologies application, and will acquire skills and abilities to build own business and scale it to the global economic system.


The curriculum of Master’s programme includes organisation and implementation of Master’s research paper and pre-graduation internship.
Research paper of students is a continuation and extension of the educational process: study of theoretical foundations of methodology, statement, organisation and implementation of scientific research; planning and organisation of scientific experiment; generalisation, processing of scientific data; formulation of conclusions and practical proposals, etc. — all these create a foundation for successful writing and defense of Master’s thesis, engagement in the scientific life of the university.
Pre-graduation internship is carried out in accordance with approved regulations and on the basis of the following companies conducting international economic activities in the field of business and technology: Bank of China JSC (Shanyu), China Minsheng Banking Corporation JSC (Chengdu), Agricultural Bank of China (Lijiang), Zhenminwan JSC (Beijing), ALI-BABA LTD (Alibaba) (Hangzhou), The China State Construction Engineering Corporation (Beijing), China International Travel Service Limited (Beijing), China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (Beijing), China National Petroleum Corporation (Beijing) etc. In order to improve professional knowledge, students have the opportunity to undertake an work placement/internship in Austria together with the European Economic Rating Company “NRA International GmbH” (Vienna), the University of Applied Research (Munich, Germany), the University of Applied Sciences (Augsburg, Germany).


“Smart Business” programme will enable its graduates to make a breakthrough in self-capitalisation and contribute to their competitiveness both in the labour market and in the professional community.
Experts in the field of international business successfully manage business processes in the international companies at various levels, carry out international projects, assess the position and level of competitiveness of companies in the international environment, and participate in the development of business strategies of companies to go global.
Companies where programme graduates are successfully employed are: China Railway Construction Corporation Limited, China National Petroleum Corporation, Bank of China JSC, China Minsheng Banking Corporation JSC, Agricultural Bank, etc.