International Trade

International Trade

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation

Training period
2 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
5800 5600


The knowledge gained as a result of completing the International Trade master program is applicable in any field of international business; the knowledge is in demand in the organization, management of foreign economic activities and implementation of international trade operations. The level of preparation for this program is sufficient for admission to the relevant postgraduate school.

Educational Process

The program consists of a balanced set of courses organized in a logical sequence: a block of courses that directly provide an in-depth knowledge in the field of international trade (International Trade, Customs, and Tariff Regulation, the World Commodity Markets Environment, International Monetary and Credit Relations, International Marketing, International Logistics, etc.), and subjects aimed at studying the most important areas of the world economy that affect the development of international trade (International Finance; International Economy; International Job and Migration Markets; Legal Regulation of Economic and Foreign Economic Activity, etc.).
During the entire process of studying in the master’s program, the Department staff attract foreign and domestic experts to conduct workshops, lectures and participate in international conferences.
Together with the International Institute of Management of the National University of Science, Technology, and Management (CNAM-IIM-CONSERVATOIRE NATIONALE DES ARTS ET METIERS, Institut International du Management; the National Institute of Science, Technology and Management — Paris) the program provides an opportunity to study abroad and obtain two degrees – that of the People's Friendship University of Russia and a degree from the foreign partner university. In this case, in the second year of tuition the students study in the CNAM-IIM, France, with classes taught in English.


The academic research activity precedes the preparation and thesis project defense. The research is conducted in the following way: the students work with financial statements, management, strategic and economic documentation in the organization; students conduct “field” research in the specific direction, or they conduct an independent study of regulatory and scientific literature on the topic of research. The internships take place at the industrial enterprises and other commercial institutions of various organizational and legal forms; organizations of the financial and banking sector; research institutions; state institutions and structures; departments or other structural divisions of the University where the research work is carried out according to the area of master’s training.


The training of highly qualified and competent specialists in the field of international economic relations provides an opportunity for employment and career growth in large Russian and international companies, joint ventures, and state structures involved in foreign economic relations.
The program provides the future specialist with the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills, abilities, and competencies in the field of international trade to ensure competitiveness in the modern job market.