Firm and Industry Markets Economics

Firm and Industry Markets Economics

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation

Training period
2 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
5550 5350


The profession of “economist” was and remains one of the most demanded nowadays. Undoubtedly, the need for specialist knowledge and skills is changing along with shifts in the country's economy and the trends of its development. Economists with the expertise of company organisation and management, understanding of the specifics of their industry, are in great demand in a turbulent Russian and global economy. The objective of an economist is always to improve profitability of production, sales and overall economic efficiency of a company, achieving high results with the least expenditure of tangible, human and financial resources.
Master’s programme “Economics of the firm and sectoral markets” provides training of highly qualified specialists, meeting the actual requirements of innovative development of modern economy through the formation of advanced knowledge in the field of development of national economy, business competitiveness, as well as professional competencies and practical skills for their successful implementation.
Economists with a specialization “Economics of the firm and sectoral markets” are prepared to solve problems of different scale in the strategic and operational management of the firm, productively use the knowledge, skills and abilities to improve the efficiency of organizations of various sectors.

Educational Process

The Master’s programme in Economics of Firm and Sectoral Markets includes courses which provide students with the necessary theoretical knowledge and professional skills. The programme contains compulsory and specialty courses in the theory of firms and sectoral markets, as well as practical research and analysis of market structures and peculiarities of their functioning.
The Department of National Economy is the graduating department in this field of study. The lecturers of the department are highly qualified specialists with practical experience, holding senior positions in companies of different spheres. Professional events for student training are held regularly and involve practicing experts who are successfully engaged in business and consultancy activities. Main disciplines: “Business valuation and firm value management”, “Economics and organisation of sectoral markets”, “Investment planning”, “Economics of Innovation”, “Anti-crisis management and restructuring”, “Economic strategy of the firm”, “Corporate governance”, “Economics of energy and resource sectors in Russia”. Within the framework of cases of the above-mentioned courses a Master student shall be able to build a successful business model for company management; choose the most suitable mechanisms of company innovative development; elaborate a system of anti-crisis measures if necessary; optimize material and financial flows of the company; estimate company capitalization and economic potential of the industry, market capacity; calculate barriers for company’s entry and exit to the market; forecast sectoral development.


The Master’s programme “Economics of Firm and Sectoral Markets” has a strongly practical orientation, providing its graduates with distinct competitive advantages in a market economy, rapidly changing market conditions, increasing risks of market activities of business entities. That is why one of the important tasks of the educational process is to provide students with practical training at advanced internship bases. During the internship students are able to interact with specialists of leading public and innovative organisations and production enterprises.
Students are able to undertake individual internships at enterprises of their choice, where they plan to work later, at their current employment or in companies-partners of the department. The following enterprises (organisations) represent the internship base: Russian Ministry of Economic Development, Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, PJSC Lukoil, PJSC Gazprom, Skolkovo Innovation Centre, Energy Services Technology Company Novas SK, Non-profit Partnership “Partnership for Promoting Activities of Firms, accredited by the Russian Society of Appraisers”, et al. Students also acquire practical knowledge through lectures and master classes of leading Russian and foreign practicing experts: Kirill Tsoy, Head of Digital Projects: “Digital transformation of a company: the example of Dodo Pizza”, Robert Nemec, CEO of Tesla Military: “Transformation of international relations during the Covid-19 pandemic”, Markus Schorm, Kaiser Partner Privatbank AG: “Protection in asset management”, etc. The programme provides for the possibility of internships for Master students in foreign universities: internship/practice in China together with Peking University under the programme “International Cooperation between Russia and China” (Beijing); internship/practice in Austria together with the European Economic Rating Company “NRA International GmbH” (Vienna); internship at the University of Applied Research (Munich, Germany), internship at the University of Applied Sciences (Augsburg, Germany).


The programme is focused on training specialists in economics of top and middle management in companies; analysts and researchers for work in organisations of large, medium and small businesses in various sectors of economy; professionals demanded in manufacturing companies, service sector, research, consulting, government and non-profit structures, who are ready to work in conditions of increased requirements for professional mobility, able to think creatively and propose new ideas and unconventional solutions. In today's economic environment executives need a specialist with skills in forecasting beyond the exact time period, managing both team and project, planning the project with regard to its components and deadlines.
Our graduates are motivated and ambitious professionals. They are willing to take responsibility for managing companies and teams, programmes and projects; able to analyse, set goals and achieve solutions to operational challenges at all levels. They look for alternatives and reach compromises; develop and effectively implement the most daring plans; implement innovations; see the future: Sergey Gavrusev — leading specialist of Ltd “Research Institute of Gas Economy”, Timofey Mazurchuk — analyst at the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Maria Molochkova — assistant general director of MultiLOG, Anna Temnaya — quality management specialist of Lamoda delivery et al.