Modern Studies of Latin America

Modern Studies of Latin America

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation

Training period
2 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
5800 5600


The Master’s programme is aimed at the comprehensive study of the socio-economic development of Latin America on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach. The courses are aimed at analyzing current development problems in Latin America from the perspective of two main aspects: the historical socio-political development of Latin American countries and the process of economic globalization.

Educational Process

The programme is aimed at the formation of general cultural, general professional and special competencies as a result of studying the compulsory and university disciplines modules of an advanced level: “Microeconomics”, “Macroeconomics”, “Econometrics”, “Theory of Development of Latin America”, “Sustainable development and the Environment”, “Legal institutions of Latin America”, “Socio-economic planning CELAC”, “Economic Geography of CELAC”, “Social Policy of Latin American countries”, “State policy and Economic development of CELAC”, “Modern teachings of the history and culture of CELAC”, “Russia in the world economy”, “The process of globalization in CELAC”, “Trade and economic cooperation between CELAC countries and the Russian Federation”, “The integration process in Latin America”, “Problems of the development of agriculture in Latin America”, “Political development and social changes CELAC”, “Fundamentals of philosophical thinking CELAC”. The Master’s programme is aimed at training specialists from Latin American countries and citizens of the Russian Federation with knowledge of Spanish, specializing in Latin American problems. The program is fully carried out in Spanish.


During their master’s studies, students undergo two types of practice: research work of a master’s student and pre-graduation internship, which is conducted in the following organizations: diplomatic missions of Latin American countries in the Russian Federation, research centers (ILA-RAS) and representative offices of Latin American companies in the Russian Federation.


Fields of activity of graduates: representative offices of Russian companies in Latin America; representative offices of Latin American companies in the Russian Federation; analytical and consulting centers; research structures; foreign trade organizations, trade representative offices, etc.