Civil Law, Family Law, Business Law, Private International Law

Civil Law, Family Law, Business Law, Private International Law

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation
Law Institute

Training period
2 Year 6 Months
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens


A specialist in the field of civil law (civilian lawyer) is a lawyer who has the most extensive knowledge in the field of law. Civil law (Jus civile) is a legal form of economic relations that develop mainly between private individuals. The Roman jurist Ulpian formulated it as “a law leaning towards the benefit of individuals”, which is why civil law is sometimes called private law (Jus privatum). In modern society, a lawyer specialising in civil law is undoubtedly in demand, since he/she has a wide range of knowledge and skills in the field of private law, dispute resolution, computer technology in jurisprudence, etc.

Educational Process

The programme has been worked out in such a way that a student receives only introductory data from the lecture courses. The main body of knowledge is mastered at the seminars dedicated to discussing the latest trends in the relevant field of legal regulation. Analysis of cases (that is, specific court decisions) makes it possible to see the application of certain provisions of legislation in practice. Students regularly take part in round table discussions, academic seminars and conferences, publish articles in academic journals and conduct research work.


Business games in the format of “Live Law”, “School of Clinicians”, interuniversity business scientific game “All life Online?” help students understand the nuances of their future profession. It is mandatory to carry out legal counselling. At the student's choice, this may be consulting individuals on the Internet on the Legal Clinic platform, an internship in the courts of Moscow and the Moscow Region, an internship in a law firm (after undergoing an interview). Within 6 weeks, students have the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in practice: to participate in the negotiations with persons applying for legal assistance, to draw up legal documents, including procedural documents.


The programme graduates are qualified to work in Russian, foreign and international companies that conduct economic activities independently or provide legal services in the private law sphere of relations. Moreover, they can continue research work, as well as teach at law schools.
The programme graduates work at the Legal Department and the Judicial Department of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. They are leading specialists and heads of legal departments in some well-known Russian and international companies and law firms, such as Baker McKenzie, Clifford Chance, Deloitte, Allen & Overy, Lidings, EPA&P, Rappoport and Partners, D. Pototsky and Partners advocates’ bureau, Almaz-Antey Concern JSC, Leroy Merlin, Credit Suiss bank, Sberbank, Zenit bank and others.