Theory and History of State and Law; Comparative Legal Research

Theory and History of State and Law; Comparative Legal Research

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation
Law Institute

Training period
2 Year
Language of study
University partner
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens


A lawyer must not only know a lot about law, but also demonstrate analytical and research skills in the field of jurisprudence. A lawyer cannot confine himself to knowledge of modern law and state. A vast array of legal norms, which is characteristic of modern law, have been formed gradually; they accumulate the historical experience of countries and peoples. State institutions functioning today have come a long way of formation and development. A modern lawyer needs understanding of the nature and essence of law, historical, legal, and institutional foundations of state building. Theoretical knowledge, research skills and methods of teaching law allow graduates of the master’s degree programme to work in various fields of law; they open up opportunities for them in legal science and education.

Educational Process

Education within the framework of the master’s programme “Theory and History of Law and State; Comparative Legal Research” takes place in two universities: in RUDN University and Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov (Kazakhstan). Graduates of the programme receive two diplomas. The organization of the educational process within the framework of the programme provides an individual approach to each Master’s programme student. Leading professors of the Law Institute of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia and the Faculty of Law of ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov. The educational process is carried out not only in RUDN classrooms, but in the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, other government and municipal bodies.
Master-students take part in research, practical and methodological events which are held annually: the International Winter Academy in Sochi, where the professional lawyer skills are acquired (the period of student winter vacations); International scientific forum “Law — a phenomenon of civilization and culture”, in which leading Russian and foreign scientists take part , is focused on the development of a modern methodology of legal science (the last decade of March); International research student conference “Law — Society — State: problems of theory and history”, is held together with regional partner universities from Russia and foreign countries (end of April).
The disciplines taught within the programme: History and Methodology of Legal Science, Philosophy of Law, Problems of the Theory of State and Law, Comparative Studies of Legal Cultures, Legal Systems of the Countries of the World, allow acquiring fundamental knowledge. The applied component of the programme is implemented within the framework of such training courses as: Legal Research Skills, Problems of Legal Techniques, Practical Skills of a Lawyer, Methods of Teaching Legal Disciplines.


A compulsory component of professional training for teaching activities in postgraduate school is internship in the system of training highly qualified personnel. It is a kind of practical activity of post-graduate students, including the teaching of special disciplines, the organization of students' educational activities, scientific and methodological work on the subject, skills development necessary for teaching. The purpose of pedagogical internship is to study the basics of pedagogical and educational-methodical work in higher educational institutions, to develop pedagogical skills required to hold training sessions in the profile disciplines of the corresponding direction of study. The main task of pedagogical practice is to show the results of a complex psychological and pedagogical, socio-economic and information technology readiness of a postgraduate student for pedagogical work. In addition, postgraduate students have the opportunity to practice in government institutions, in Russian and international companies.


The acquired fundamental knowledge and research skills allow the graduates to do further research in the field of theory and history of law and state, comparative law, as well as in other legal fields. The graduates have the opportunity to successfully engage in analytical work for government agencies, including the federal level (the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, etc.), large law firms, international organizations, as well as continue research and teaching at universities of Russia and foreign countries.