Legal Regulation of Natural Resources, Land and Property Relations and Urban Development

Legal Regulation of Natural Resources, Land and Property Relations and Urban Development

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation
Law Institute

Training period
2 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
5250 5100


Specialists in the field of legal support for the activities of the organisation, natural resource, and urban planning sphere, have a wide range of analytical, legal, and managerial tools for developing and implementing urban planning projects, natural resource programmes, as well as making informed management decisions in the field of land and property relations, social and spatial development of territories.Graduates who have acquired degree work in the field of legal support for business activities in the field of urban planning, mining and use of natural resources (including in the oil and gas industry, energy production). The acquired competencies are relevant in the system of state and municipal service in the framework of regulating the land and property relations, rational nature management, social and spatial development of territories.

Educational Process

The programme presents a unique curriculum, which was developed taking into account the modern requirements of employers on the basis of consistency and balance of theoretical and practical components, as well as the adaptability of its content for different specializations (economists, environmentalists, engineers and other professions). Within the framework of the programme students study current problems of environmental law; legal regulation of urban planning activities; features of state registration of real estate objects and their transactions; foreign and Russian law enforcement practice in the field of environmental damage compensation, as well as practical academic courses, such as:
1) Current Issues of Environmental Law, Land and Property Relations and Urban Development;
2) Legal Regulation of Urban Development;
3) Law Enforcement Practice of Compensation for Damage Caused by Land-Related Offences;
4) Current Issues of State Registration of Real Estate Objects and their Transactions;
5) Legal Issues in the Application of the Environmental-Economic Framework for the Natural Resources Management;
6) State Administration in the Field of Use and Natural Resources Protection;
7) Legal Regulation of Cadastral Registration and Evaluation of Real Estate Objects;
8) Legal Regulation of Waste Management of Production and Consumption etc.


In the course of studying, educational practices and internships are provided in public authorities (the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Department of Housing and Public Utilities of the City of Moscow, etc.), as well as in large commercial companies (JSC Rostekhinventarizatsiya-Federal BTI Moscow, PJSC Russian Railways ”, PJSC “Mosenergo”, etc.).


The lawyers specializing in natural resources and land and property law, as well as specialists who successfully combine knowledge and practical skills in urban planning, are sought after by employers.
The graduates of the programme may build a successful career in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Department of Housing and Public Utilities of the city of Moscow, as well as in large commercial companies PJSC: Rostekhinventarization-Federal BTI JSC, Moscow, Russian Railways PJSC, Mosenergo, etc. The successful graduates of the programme are assisted in employment.