Green Economy and Sustainable Development of Companies

Green Economy and Sustainable Development of Companies

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation
Ecology and Nature Management

Training period
2 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
5900 5650


A specialist who has completed training in the educational program “Green Economy and Sustainable Development of Enterprises” is prepared for professional activities both in the field of sustainable environmental and economic development and the global “green” agenda in general, and in the field of organizing low-waste, resource-saving industries and closed production cycles, knows how to professionally solve the problems of practical implementation of the principles of the circular economy (ECC) and in the field of effective waste management in any region of the world. The program is aimed at those who want to become a highly qualified specialist in the implementation of sustainable enterprise management models based on relevant Russian and international standards.

Educational Process

Training in the Master's educational program "Green Economy and Sustainable Development of Enterprises", implemented in the field of study 04/05/06 "Ecology and Natural Resources Management", is aimed at developing universal, general professional and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements for the field of study 04/05/06 Ecology and Natural Resources Management.
Disciplines studied:
1. Computer technologies and statistical methods in ecology and environmental management
2. International cooperation in the field of environmental protection
3. Sustainable development of industrial enterprises
4. Circular Economy Strategy and Tactics
5. Strategic environmental assessment
6. Environmental design of industrial facilities
7. Principles of organizing low-waste and resource-saving production
8. Regional and municipal waste management systems
9. Ecobiotechnology in the organization of closed cycles
10. MSW Recycling and Utilization Technics
11. Fundamentals of management and project management
12. Methodology of scientific research in ecology
13. Carbon regulation
14. Environmental risk management
15. Industrial environmental control and monitoring
16. Methods for eliminating accumulated environmental harm (NEH)


As part of the study of the practical part of the program, students undergo internship in public and private enterprises that are part of the industrial cluster of the waste processing industry - large manufacturing companies: Thermal Treatment Plant №. 4; Company "ECOTECHNOLOGIES", Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Environmental Protection" (FGBU " VNII Ecology"), LLC "Giprobiosintez", LLC NPP "VOLNOVOD-7" (production of biological products), "Shchelkovsky Vodokanal", Federal State Unitary Enterprise Kurchatov Institute (IREA), Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (ROSPRIRODNADZOR), PPK REO, LLC PRODUCTGARANT, etc.


The development of the labor market is associated with the interest of the manufacturing sector to improve the environmental characteristics of production, popularizing the ideas of a circular economy and green economy, sustainable development, and environmental ethics. The educational program is focused primarily on labor markets in the manufacturing and construction sectors, housing and communal services (positions of ecologists, occupational health, industrial and environmental safety specialists), scientific, consulting and design organizations, municipal and regional governments.