Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Development

Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Development

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation

Training period
4 Year
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens
For the citizens of the countries of "far abroad"
6200 6000


The educational program “Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Development” is a postgraduate program, which corresponds to the third level of higher education.
The program is focused on training of scientific and pedagogical workers, specialists in environmental design, landscape planning and sustainable development of urban areas. Our graduates have interdisciplinary competencies and international experience to work in higher education institutions, research and design organizations, expert and consulting companies in the Russian Federation, Italy and other countries. The program involves the training of joint groups of students from RUDN University and Italian partner university. It requires the training of international specialists to work in the legal field and in the organizational, administrative and production conditions of Russia and the EU countries. After “Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Development” program graduates receive the qualification “Researcher. Lecturer-Researcher”, and a PhD degree in case of successful defense of the thesis.

Educational Process

The program includes the following specialized disciplines: “Molecular Basis of Resistance”; “Experimental design in agronomy”; “Molecular Methods of Pathogens Identification”; “Plant Protection”.
The program is implemented in English.
The features of the program are:
1) implementation in a network form together with the University of Tuscia (Italy): postgraduate students studying under the program spend at least one semester (6 months) at a partner university; scientific research and thesis preparation are carried out under the scientific supervision of specialists from Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia and University of Tushia; the thesis is recommended for defense at the academic councils of Russia and Italy;
2) implementation of the program is in English language;
3) the use of a modular form: the program consists of relatively independent parts that form a certain competence or group of competences in the course of mastering an academic course or a set of disciplines united by interdisciplinary links.
The curriculum is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of RUDN University standards and federal standards, and includes the following courses: “Monitoring, modeling and evaluation of natural and anthropogenically modified ecosystems and their components: soils, green spaces, surface and ground waters, atmospheric air”; “Environmental design and planning of urban green infrastructure for the purposes of sustainable urban development”; “Assessment and forecasting of the impact of regional and global climate changes on sustainability of ecosystems”; “Development of new technologies for monitoring and assessing ecological state of soils and green spaces”.


The program provides for teaching and research practice.
Practices are held on the basis of Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems, Agrarian and Technological Institute, and Department of Innovation in Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tuscia (Italy, Viterbo), as well as partner organizations.


The program “Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Development” is focused on training qualified personnel who are ready to implement projects in the field of applied urban ecology at the international level.
Further employment includes the following possible areas of activity:
1) continuation of research and teaching activities in Russian or foreign scientific organizations and universities;
2) work in international organizations and institutions (FAO UNESCO, IASA, WIMEK, ISRIC and others);
3) work in Russian-Italian companies and corporations focused on the international market and specializing in sustainable development.