Integrated Solid Waste Management

Integrated Solid Waste Management

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation
Ecology and Nature Management

Training period
2 Year
Language of study


The professional activity of a modern ecologist is impossible without
the use
of the latest

diagnostic tools,
monitoring and modeling. The problem of waste management is
one of the global problems of mankind. Consequently, the improvement
of the sanitary condition of settlements and the rehabilitation of territories
occupied by sanitary landfills and unauthorized landfills,
the use of waste as an energy resource – all this falls within the sphere
of interests of a specialist in waste management of production and
consumption, and unequivocally guarantees the professional significance and
future employment of a graduate of an educational program.
Training according to the Master's degree program "Integrated
Solid Waste Management / Integrated solid
waste management" will allow the graduate to master both comprehensive knowledge in
modern ecology and skills of working with modern
software, to solve such types of tasks as the organization and optimization
of existing

Educational Process

The basis of training in the Integrated Solid Waste Management / Integrated Solid Waste Management educational program is a meta—subject approach combining research, consulting and analytical activities with close cooperation with employers.
During the program, students gain professional knowledge in the field of processes and devices for the preparation and processing of waste, the impact of waste on the climate, the principles of organizing environmentally friendly low-waste production, biotechnologies for environmental protection and the elimination of accumulated environmental damage, the basics of monitoring (including remote).
The main disciplines of the variable part of the curriculum ensure the formation of general professional and professional competencies of a specialist in the field of waste management of production and consumption:
• Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of SWM objects / EIA of objects in the field of waste management
• Regional & Municipal MSW Management S


The program provides for several types of practices. Each practice is aimed at developing specific skills and each allows students to fully apply theoretical knowledge.
 Production practice;
 Pre - graduate practice;
 Research work;
As part of the study of the practical part of the program, students undergo practical training at public and private enterprises belonging to the industrial cluster of the waste processing industry - large manufacturing companies
• German company for the production of cleaning equipment "HUBER TECHNOLOGIES";
• League of Waste Paper Processors,
• MSZ No. 4,
• Voskresensk plant of mineral fertilizers,
• municipal waste recycling company in Tolyatti
• landfills of MSW.

Contracts for practical training with scientific institutions have also been concluded
• - Tolyatti State University (TSU),
• STM-TRADE LLC (produced by


As a result of mastering the program, students acquire skills in the field of environmental design of waste management facilities, ensuring resource and energy conservation in waste management; municipal waste management and the development of territorial waste management schemes, ways to eliminate accumulated environmental damage, and the use of modern solid waste treatment technologies.
Graduates can work as experts in state environmental control bodies, environmentalists in the processing industry, private firms engaged in waste management, storage or treatment.
The graduate can also continue his studies in graduate school.As a result of mastering the program, students acquire skills in the field of environmental design of waste management facilities, ensuring resource and energy conservation in waste management; municipal waste management and the development of territorial waste management schemes, ways to eliminate accumulated environmental damage, and the use of modern solid waste treatment technologies.
Graduates can work as experts in state environmental control bodies, environmentalists in the processing industry, private firms engaged in waste management, storage or treatment.
The graduate can also continue his studies in graduate school.