Management of international projects
(Program in Russian / Jointly with the National University of Science, Technology and Management (France) / Jointly with the Network University of the CIS countries)
The main task of a good manager is to achieve the objectives and implement the plans with the use of existing resources. When it comes to international activities, the demands for managerial qualifications are multiplied. After all, knowledge of foreign languages, a broad outlook, and an understanding of the specifics of foreign markets are required. This program is designed for the training of highly skilled international managers. The basics of management, project analysis, the use of information systems, management economics, corporate finance, strategic analysis, investment analysis, business building, contracting activities - all this masters master during their studies. The opportunity to receive a double diploma is opened for students, provided that they study in English at the National University of Science, Technology and Management in Paris (Le Conservatoire National des Arts Et Metiers - CNAM) during the second year.
The program is certified by the German FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation).