Main Interclub Events during the Academic Year
Student's Day
On 25 January, on the Student's Day, it is customary at RUDN University to butter up the Learned Cat, which lives in the library of the main building. This is a bronze sculpture that has become a symbol of a successful exam period. Students treat the cat with sour cream and sweets, scratch behind its ear and rub its nose. Thus they thank the cat for the good marks at the exams. Contests, creative performances, quests are organized on this day. In the evening the Interclub usually organizes dances with hearty gatherings.
Культурный вечер «СТРАНный джаз»
Интерклуб становится одной из площадок Всероссийской акции «Ночь искусств». «СТРАНный» - от слова «страны», потому что известные джазовые композиции исполняют студенты из разных уголков мира. Насладиться живым звуком бесплатно может любой желающий.
the RUDN University birthday
In February, the RUDN University birthday is celebrated on a grand scale - it was founded on 5 February 1960. A festive concert of the Interclub creative groups is usually held on the Friday closest to this date. Hundreds of Peoples' Friendship University alumni and friends come to the university on this day. The concert is the main students’ gift for them, so the director selects the best performances for the programme.
The wide Maslenitsa festival
Is celebrated in a special way at RUDN University. This is an occasion to acquaint foreigners with Russian culture and warmth of hospitality not in words but in practice: offer them pancakes with condensed milk and honey, take pictures in a kosovorotka or in a kokoshnik, teach chastushki (ditties) and make funny contests. For many students, this is the first in their lives Russian farewell to winter. The Maslenitsa celebration is held separately for the Faculty of the Russian Language and General Studies, where foreigners begin their studies at RUDN.
INTERYES Theatre Festival
Is held for theatre lovers. Students demonstrate the best works of world literature of various genres: poetry, prose, rap, STEM, monologues from plays, journalism and even plastic compositions. You can speak in any language. Contestants are evaluated by leading actors of Moscow theatres (Ekaterina Kostenevskaya, an actress of the theater "Near Stanislavski’s House "; Anatoly Kobets, an actor of the Roman Viktyuk Theatre; Tatyana Gorodetskaya, an actress of the Theater in the South-West.)
Planet South-West Festival
Is everyone's favorite and largest holiday at RUDN University. It includes a large fair on the square near the main building and a marathon concert. Several thousand guests come to the festival - students and teachers, residents of the district and Moscow, university alumni and friends. Usually 80-90 RUDN University National Student Associations prepare exhibitions with national attributes and folk art items. Students talk about their countries, conduct folk games and master classes, dance, sing and, of course, take a lot of pictures. At the same time, Interclub studios and national creative groups perform popular and national songs and dances. Special emphasis is made on the works of the period of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, since the festival is held in early May.
Isadora Duncan Plastic Dance International Festival
Every year RUDN brings together followers of the "free dance" founder from Russia, USA, Great Britain, Greece. Children and adults participate in the Festival. The programme includes performances by studios and creative groups, master classes from artists, musicians, painters, art historians, culture experts, philosophers.
Interclub Flat Party
Is an informal event. The authors of the project are students. This is a party for lovers of live music and poetry, songs with a guitar. This is an opportunity to read poems of your own, tell jokes, and just have a heart-to-heart talk.
Interclub Doors Open Day
A creative season at RUDN University opens with a concert-presentation of the International Cultural Centre studios. Those who want to become a part of the creative family of the university can see the performances, get acquainted with the teacher, enrol in any studio they like.
STRANny Jazz evening culture event
Interclub becomes one of the sites of the All-Russian action "Night of Arts". “STRANny” is derived from the word ‘strany’ which stands for countries, because famous jazz compositions are performed by students from different parts of the world. Anyone can enjoy live sound for free.
It’s Your Stage talent show
Unites talented students of RUDN University faculties, institutes and Academy. Participants compete for the right to become the best in dance and vocal skills. The participants’ creative abilities are assessed by professional directors, teachers of vocal, dance and theater arts, as well as RUDN University outstanding graduates.
Studios’ reporting concerts
Demonstrate acquired skills, embody creative ideas into the best staged performances. Students develop their own creative project with the head of their studio: they choose the theme of the concert, select the best performances, create a poster, distribute invitations, write a script, select programme hosts, select scenery and stage design, and conduct dress rehearsals.