Events and Invitations


29 Nov
Seminar “German and Russian Neo-Kantianism”
Georgy Valentinovich Plekhanov in the last years of the nineteenth century accused the eighteenth-century philosopher Immanuel Kant of contradictions: on the one hand, Kant recognized that things-in-themselves objectively exist and their influence causes sensations, on the other hand, Kant called things-in-themselves inaccessible for the senses.
28 Nov
Seminar “German and Russian Neo-Kantianism”
Bakhtin's transition to the sphere of aesthetics arose from his philosophical desire to find the key to overcoming the split between the world of unity (life) and the world of unity (culture). In other words, Bakhtin approaches the field of aesthetics to solve his philosophical problem, therefore aesthetics for Bakhtin is one of the subjects within a more general and broader philosophical concept. But although Bakhtin wants to reconcile these two worlds, which oppose each other, and sees the possibility of this overcoming not in the realm of one world, but in their connection, he found the path to this overcoming precisely in the only place of a specific individual.
1 Nov
Seminar “From environment observations to IT-products”
Ecological monitoring is a vital method to assess the condition, support and develop urban territories. Modern technologies, such as open-hardware and the «internet of things» are able to make data collection and processing more time- and resource-effective. Existing and perspective solutions for river flow digital-twins, green-roof monitoring and air quality assessment to be discussed during the seminar.