Events and Invitations


30 Jan
Lecture «To the issue of multiculturalism in Indonesian literature»
The lecture is devoted to the stages of the formation of the concept of multiculturalism in the artistic consciousness and literary creativity of Indonesia. In 1945, the independence of the Republic of Indonesia was proclaimed and in the same year its Constitution was adopted, in which the education of the people was declared a priority area determining the future of the nation. Currently, the Republic of Indonesia is the largest multinational country: it has more than 300 peoples and more than 700 living languages (dialects), despite the fact that the official language is Indonesian.
25 Jan
Seminar “Reticular network as the Lymph Nodes railroad system: T-cells migration modeling by the free energy minimization technique”
One of the most important structural and functional elements of lymph nodes (LN) is the fibroblasts reticular network. Placed in vivo in the LN space, lymphocytes can move directionally, in fact, just along the reticular network, which act as a central immune highway. However, despite the multiple experimental studies, mechanisms regulating the lymphocytes motion are not fully understood.
18 Jan
Seminar “Topical Issues of Social Pedagogy, Psychology and Management of Developing the Human Resources of Society (Social Management)”
In the speech, Larisa Elnitskaya will draw attention to the role of foreign language textbooks in the formation of students’ knowledge and ideas about events and phenomena of the surrounding reality, about themselves and their place in life.
Direction: Science
Event format: Seminar