Events and Invitations


28 Feb - 7 Mar
Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Galina Lazareva will visit the S.M. Nikol’skii Mathematical Institute with a series of lectures on mathematical modeling of physical processes
During lectures for students and professors of the Mathematical Institute the following questions will be discussed in detail: simulation of low-temperature multicomponent plasmas in a target trap; Two-dimensional numerical simulation of tungsten melting in exposure to pulsed electron beam; simulation of seismic structure dynamics in a volcanic magma chamber.
26 Feb
Asymptotic stability of the solitons of the generalized Kawahara (gKW) equation
In the last talk (12, February), we proved the Nonlinear Liouville Property for the gKW equation. Using this result, we will show the asymptotic stability of the soliton solutions of gKW equation.  Namely, we prove the following property: if the global solution of gKW is close to a soliton at initial time, then this solution converges (in some sense) to a soliton.
19 Feb
On ellipticity of operators, associated with metaplectic group
The first part of the talk is devoted to defining the metaplectic group, presenting its properties and applications. In the second part, we define the symbol of considered operators and establish the finiteness theorem.