Events and Invitations


22 Feb
Scientific seminar “Fundamentals in Peaceman model for well-block radius for non-linear flows near well”
We consider sewing machinery between finite difference and analytical solutions defined at different scale: far away and near source of the perturbation of the flow. One of the essences of the approach is that coarse problem and boundary value problem in the proxy of the source model two different flows. We are proposing method to glue solution via total fluxes, which is predefined on coarse grid. It is important to mention that the coarse solution "does not see" boundary.
15 Feb
Scientific seminar “On the contribution of mathematicians to the Atomic Project of the USSR”
The contribution of physicists to the creation of the nuclear shield of our country is now well known. But the contribution of mathematicians in the historical-mathematical literature has received much less attention. After the declassification of several documents relating to the USSR Atomic Project and the publication of the memoirs of scientists participating in it, it became possible to fill this gap.
10 Feb
Seminar “A new class of COVID-19 compartmental models that explicitly incorporates the changes in population-immunity”
The COVID-19 landscape has been rapidly changing during the last few months. Several new effects have been influencing COVID-19 transmissibility and severity such as waning immunity, vaccination, emerging variants of concern.