Events and Invitations


29 - 31 May
VII International Scientific Conference «New trends, strategies and structural changes in emerging markets»
The conference aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas and identifying emerging challenges and problems during instability in the world economy, presentation of the results of analysis of new trends, structural changes and strategies for the development of economic systems in the emerging markets in a "new reality" in determining the impact of these processes on the modernization and innovative development of economic systems, economic growth and overcoming the consequences of the global crisis.
24 May
Project 5-100, XXIII seminar-conference: best practices from leading Russian universities and international university rankings
May 24, RUDN hosts the XXIII open seminar-conference of Project 5-100, dedicated to the exchange of best practices between Russian universities and increasing their competitiveness in the global education market.
Direction: Education
17 May
Student scientific conference «World economy in the XXI century: Globalization and regionalization»
May 17, 2018, Department of Regional Economics and Geography holds a student scientific conference «World Economy in the 21st century: globalization and regionalization» aimed at intensifying students and young researchers’ activities in the field of the main trends in the development of the world economy in the 21st century - globalization and regionalization.
Direction: Science