Events and Invitations


28 Nov
Seminar “German and Russian Neo-Kantianism”
Bakhtin's transition to the sphere of aesthetics arose from his philosophical desire to find the key to overcoming the split between the world of unity (life) and the world of unity (culture). In other words, Bakhtin approaches the field of aesthetics to solve his philosophical problem, therefore aesthetics for Bakhtin is one of the subjects within a more general and broader philosophical concept. But although Bakhtin wants to reconcile these two worlds, which oppose each other, and sees the possibility of this overcoming not in the realm of one world, but in their connection, he found the path to this overcoming precisely in the only place of a specific individual.
27 Nov
Seminar “Language aspects of integration and self-identification in the modern world”
The purpose of the event: The scientific seminar is dedicated to improving the quality of teaching foreign languages and cultures in accordance with the new challenges posed to humanitarian education; expanding active contacts with scientists and teachers of foreign languages and humanities from leading universities, raising the status of foreign languages and humanities, developing the academic reputation of the RUDN University named after Patrice Lumumba and the incoming mobility of leading scientists.
16 Nov
Conference “Language and cultures: prospects for development in the 21st century”
The international conference arranged for students and teachers of foreign languages will contribute to improving the quality of learning foreign languages and cultures in accordance with the new requirements for education in Social Sciences and Humanities. Globalization process brings about the necessity of changing methods of foreign languages teaching, rethinking global values, methodological basis and the results of linguistic education.
3 Nov
Seminar “Universal and relative in the conceptualization of experience: scheme “placement” (“inner /outer”)”
The epistemological concept of the scheme has a long philosophical history: we may discover its roots in Neoplatonism. The scheme is different from both the concept and the percept, but at the same time it can be represented as a specific procedure of the dynamic connection of both. In contemporary cognitive science, schematization is studied at the intersection of different disciplines, such as cognitive linguistics, developmental psychology, kinesics, neurophysiology. The complexity of its study lies not only in the need to work with huge variety of materials, but also in the need to combine various philosophical and methodological perspectives, as well as in the need to take into account materials from different languages and cultures (not only European).